Poly Students Share Their Knowledge with Young Scholars

Twenty sixth grade students enrolled in the Urban Assembly Institute in Math and Science for Young Women, a new public school for which Polytechnic is an organizing partner, visited Poly on December 8, 2006 to learn about science and engineering careers. The school, which opened in fall 2006, will add one grade each year until they reach their full capacity of 600 students, grades 6-12.

Poly’s Packard Center for Technology and Educational Alliances led the development of a program to introduce the students to robotics and applied science experiments. Four Poly students, Chris Wilkins, Edwin Kok, Farhan Mudaisr and Edwin Yu, who are involved in Project RAISE (Revitalizing Achievement by using Instrumentation in Science Education), conducted the sessions. RAISE Fellows serve under a grant sponsored by the National Science Foundation that brings Poly students to selected high schools where they develop experiments and teach laboratory classes, using instrumentation to enhance learning.