Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and computer engineers are at the forefront of creating some of the most advanced technologies the world has ever known.

Paving the way for fifth-generation (5G) cellular communication, developing powerful and sophisticated medical diagnostic tools, improving the trustworthiness of microchips to keep computer hardware safe from cyber-attackers, exploring the outer limits of nanoelectronics — NYU researchers are doing all that and more.
If you’ve ever wanted to design robotic controls, invent new methods of generating green energy, expand the boundaries of mobile communication, or apply your specialized skills to any number of other electrical products and systems, Electrical and Computer Engineering might be the course of study for you.
ECE Highlights
ECE Research Areas
Current research activities in the department are organized into several areas.
ECE Seminar Series
Student Resources
Course syllabi, academic advisement and other important information for ECE students.
Available Faculty Positions
in ECE
Contact Us
E-mail: beverlynblanco@nyu.edu
Phone: 646.997.3397
E-mail: asn9797@nyu.edu
Email: Tandon-ECE-Grad-Admissions@