NYU Tandon's departments reflect our deep academic roots and our dedication to adapting to the changing demands of scholarship and industry.

Applied Physics
Physics, often said to be the most fundamental of all the sciences, deals with the constituents, properties, and evolution of the entire universe, on all length and time scales.
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical engineers design and develop products, systems and processes to improve human health
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Chemical and Biomolecular engineers are solving some of the world’s most pressing problems.
Civil and Urban Engineering
We develop innovations for smart, resilient, and sustainable cities of the future.
Computer Science and Engineering
As we enjoy increased interconnectivity through our devices, computer scientists and engineers are playing a bigger part in shaping the world.
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and computer engineers are at the forefront of creating some of the most advanced technologies the world has ever known.
Finance and Risk Engineering
If you’ve ever been drawn to a field that some people are calling “the rocket science of Wall Street,” Finance and Risk Engineering might be the course of study for you.
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Mechanical engineers develop the physical systems and devices that modern society demands.
Technology, Culture and Society
We promote critical engagement with technology and science while drawing on the perspectives of the humanities and social sciences.
Technology Management and Innovation
We live and work in an increasingly knowledge-intensive age.