Records and Registration

Registrar Services

The Tandon Office of Records and Registration aims to assist students with scheduling and registration issues, uphold academic policies, and provide professional and informed support to the School of Engineering community.

person filling out form

Tandon students register for courses online via Albert Student Center.

PLEASE NOTE: For services such as ordering transcripts, obtaining enrollment verifications, name/address changes, visit the Office of the University Registrar.

School Calendar

Important dates and deadlines, including registration, final exams and snow make-up days

Cross-School Registration

Undergraduate and graduate students at the School of Engineering are welcome to pursue coursework in other divisions of New York University.

Walk-In Hours


Dibner Building, Rooms LC 206, LC260, LC262, and LC264
5 Metro Tech Center
Brooklyn, New York 11201


Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Phone: 646.997.4123

Records and Registration Office, LC 206 & LC260-264
NYU Tandon School of Engineering
5 Metro Tech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201