Office of Research

The Office of Research helps support NYU Tandon’s research mission.

We are dedicated to enhancing the competitiveness of Tandon’s research portfolio.  In this regard, we help facilitate external grants and contracts, research appointments, and research space needs.  

sunny view of Brooklyn Bridge with downtown Manhattan in the background

linda boyle in front of a US map


Linda Ng Boyle

Vice Dean of Research

Linda serves as the key leader in the dean’s office for research strategy, development, and operations. She is responsible for working collaboratively with faculty, school and university leadership; department chairs; center directors; staff; and external partners in industry.



Carmen Diaz

Senior Administrative Manager

Office of Research

Doris Schultz

Doris Schultz

Senior Director of Research Administration

Office of Sponsored Programs


Maey Khaled

Senior Director

Campus Planning and Technical Services


Jamie Lloyd


Ph.D. Hub