Danya Glabau
Industry Assistant Professor
Director, Science and Technology Studies minor
Director, Feminism and STEM minor
Director, Ethics and Technology curriculum
Affiliated Faculty, Department of Anthropology

Danya Glabau is a medical anthropologist and STS scholar researching health activism, the medical economy, and how human bodies become valuable data. She directs the Science and Technology Studies (STS) minor, the Feminism and STEM minor, and the Ethics and Technology undergraduate curriculum at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. She also teaches in the Integrated Design & Media Master's program and the Human-Centered Technology, Innovation & Design PhD program. She is Affiliated Faculty in the Department of Anthropology. She earned her PhD from the Department of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at Cornell University.
Her first book, Food Allergy Advocacy: Parenting and the Politics of Care (2022, University of Minnesota Press), examined how food allergy activists get involved in scientific research and political advocacy, and how race, class, and gender shape their advocacy goals. Her second book, Cyborg (2024, MIT Press; co-authored with Laura Forlano, Northeastern University), offers a 21st century introduction to cyborg theory in contexts like work, medicine and disability, art and design, and feminist theory. Her latest research investigates how new parents use parenting advice, with a focus on how digital resources, apps, and devices shape modern ideas about what makes a “good” parent.
Cornell University 2016
PhD, Science and Technology Studies
Cornell University 2014
MA, Science and Technology Studies
Cornell University 2007
BA, Biological Sciences
Cyborg. MIT University Press. February 2024. Co-authored with Laura Forlano.
Food Allergy Advocacy: Parenting and the Politics of Care. University of Minnesota Press. May 2022.
Selected Articles
Food Allergy and the Hygienic Sublime. 2019. Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience.
Hate in Social Virtual Reality. 2018. White paper. Center for Technology and Society, Anti-Defamation League.
The Moral Life of Epinephrine in the United States. 2016. Medicine Anthropology Theory.
Selected Essays and Reviews
Who Will Control the Exowomb? 2022. Grow by Gingko.
Mom versus the Experts. 2022. Dilettante Army.
Critical engagements on Making Kin not Population: An epistolary review essay. 2022. American Anthropologist. Co-authored with Nayantara Sheoran Appleton.
Covid-19 and the Politics of Care. February 2021. Items: Insights from the Social Sciences, Social Science Research Council.
Discipline, Method, and Theory at the Interface of Race and Technology. March 2020. Biosocieties.
The Dark Matter of Digital Health. April 2020. Public Books.
Bill of Health. 2019. Real Life Magazine.
Sins of the Mother. 2018. Real Life Magazine.
Feminists Write the Anthropocene: Three Tales of Possibility in Late Capitalism. 2017. Journal of Cultural Economy.
Conflicting Assumptions: The Meaning of Price in the Pharmaceutical Economy. 2017. Science As Culture.
Fancy Feast. 2017. Real Life Magazine.
Necessary Purity. 2017. Real Life Magazine.
Wakanda University, Co-Curated with Elizabeth Chin, American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, 2018; Vancouver, BC, 2019
Grants and Fellowships
Curricular Development challenge Fund (CDCF), New York University, 2021
Conference Travel Bursary, Society for the Social History of Medicine, 2016
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, Finalist, 2015
Student Travel Award, Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), 2014
Conference Travel Grant, Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), 2014
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, National Science Foundation (NSF), 2014
Graduate Student Humanities Travel Research Grant, Society for the Humanities, Cornell University, 2014
Provost Diversity Fellowship, Cornell University, 2014
SUNY Diversity Fellowship, Cornell University, 2010-2011
Honors and Awards
Graduate Paper Prize, Science Technology and Medicine (STM) section of the Society for Medical Anthropology, 2014
John S. Knight Award for Writing Exercises and Assignments, Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines, Cornell University, 2013
The Abraham ‘Zito’ Boczkowski Award for Outstanding Teaching by a Graduate Student, Department of Science and Technology Studies, Cornell University, 2012
External Service
Editorial Boards
Science, Technology, and Human Values Editorial Board, Member, 2022 - present
Feminist Anthropology (journal) Editorial Board, Founding Member, 2019 - present
Professional Organization Leadership
Society for Medical Anthropology Executive Board, Member-At-Large, 2019 - 2022
Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) section of the Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), Chair, 2016 - 2018
Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM) section of the Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA), Secretary, 2014-2016
Advisory Boards
Data & Society Health and Data Advisory Board, Member, 2020 - 2022