Research Interests
Optics and spectroscopy Glow discharge plasma and related applications including micro-optical sensing Plasma aerodynamics Lighting, and diagnostics of multiphase flows for pharmaceutical applications and environmental monitoring.
Saint-Petersburg State University, 1985
PhD, Physics(Plasma Physics and Chemistry)
Saint-Petersburg State University, 1979
B.S., M.S., Physics(Optics and Spectroscopy)
Journal Articles
(peer reviewed technical journals - last 10 years)
- Stepaniuk, V. P., Ioppolo T., Ötügen M.V., and Sheverev V.A. “Attenuation of single-tone ultrasound by an atmospheric glow discharge plasma barrier”, J. Appl. Phys. 2010, 108, pp. 053301-7
- Stepaniuk, V.P., G.H. Popov, and V.A. Sheverev, Use of Penning Ionization Electron Spectroscopy in Plasma for Measurements of Environmental Gas Constituents. Analytical Chemistry, 2009. 81(7): p. 2626-2632.
- Soukhomlinov, V., N. Gerasimov, and V.A. Sheverev, Acoustic wave propagation in uniform glow discharge plasma at an arbitrary angle between the electric field and wave vectors. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008. 104(4): p. 043301-4.
- Ioppolo, T., M. Kozhevnikov, V. Stepaniuk, M.V. Ötügen, and V. Sheverev, Micro-optical force sensor concept based on whispering gallery mode resonators. Appl. Opt., 2008. 47(16): p. 3009-3014.
- Stepaniuk, V.P., T. Ioppolo, M.V. Otugen, and V.A. Sheverev, Measurement of gas temperature and convection velocity profiles in a dc atmospheric glow discharge. Journal of Applied Physics, 2007. 102(12): p. 123302-5.
- Soukhomlinov, V., N. Gerasimov, and V.A. Sheverev, Propagation of sound in glow discharge plasma. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2007. 40(8): p. 2507-2512.
- Soukhomlinov, V., N. Gerasimov, and V.A. Sheverev, Propagation of sound in glow discharge plasma. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2007. 40(8): p. 2507-2512.
- Soukhomlinov, V., V.A. Sheverev, and C. Tarau, Reflection of sound by glow discharge plasma. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2006. 39(16): p. 3653-3658.
- Soukhomlinov, V.S., V.A. Sheverev, and M.V. Otugen, Evolution of a vortex in glow discharge plasma. Physics of Fluids, 2005. 17(5): p. 058102-4.
- Sheverev, V.A., G.G. Lister, and V. Stepaniuk, Ionization processes in fluorescent lamps: Evaluation of the Hg chemi-ionization rate coefficients. Physical Review E, 2005. 71(5): p. 056404-8.
- Stepaniuk, V., Sheverev, V., Otugen, V., Tarau, C., Raman, G., Soukhomlinov, V., Sound Attenuation by Glow Discharge Plasma. AIAA Journal, 2004. 42(3): p. 545-550.
- Soukhomlinov, V., Sheikin, E. G., Sheverev, V., Otugen, M. V. Scramjet inlet flow control using combined magnetohydrodynamics and glow-discharge-plasma effect. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2004. 20(5): p. 950-952.
- Soukhomlinov, V.S., V.A. Sheverev, and M.V. Otugen, Distribution of gas temperature in an unconfined glow discharge plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 2003. 94(2): p. 844-851.
- Soukhomlinov, V.S., Kolosov, V. Y., Sheverev, V. A., Otugen, M. V., Formation and propagation of a shock wave in a gas with temperature gradients. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2002. 473(473): p. 245-264.
- Soukhomlinov, V.S., Kolosov, V. Y., Sheverev, V. A., Otugen, M. V., Acoustic dispersion in glow discharge plasma: A phenomenological analysis. Physics of Fluids, 2002. 14(1): p. 427-429.
- Sheverev, V.A., V.P. Stepaniuk, and G.G. Lister, Chemi-ionization in neon plasma. Journal of Applied Physics, 2002. 92(7): p. 3454.
- Sheverev, V.A., N.A. Khromov, and D.R. Kojiro, Penning ionization electron spectroscopy in glow discharge: Another dimension for gas chromatography detectors. Analytical Chemistry, 2002. 74(21): p. 5556-5563.
- Lister, G.G., V.A. Sheverev, and D. Uhrlandt, Approximations to the electron energy distribution and positive column models for low-pressure discharge light sources. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2002. 35(20): p. 2586-2593.
USA Pat. No.7,408,360 (2008).
Sheverev, V.A., Gas Detection and Identification Apparatus and Method
USA Pat. No. 7,701,586 (2010).
Otugen; V., and V. Sheverev, Micro-optical wall shear stress sensor
USA Pat. No. 7,770,463 (2010).
Sheverev; V. A. and V. Stepaniuk, Shear stress measurement apparatus
USA Pat. No. 8,028,586 (2011).
Sheverev; V. A. and V. Stepaniuk, Load cell and system for measuring forces based on optical spectra shifts
U.S. Pat. No. 8,276,463 (2011).
Sheverev; V. A. and V. Stepaniuk , Shear Stress Measurement Apparatus