In Memoriam 2024 | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

In Memoriam 2024

We pay tribute here to our alumni and faculty members lost in 2024

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cherry blossom tree in bloom at MetroTech Commons

John Farber, Ph.D. '57

Founder of ICC Industries Inc.

Herbert C. Thorpe '53

Tuskegee Airman

Charles A. DeBenedittis '52

US Army Corp. of Engineers


Alumni are listed in alphabetical order by last name, not by the deceased date.

A - H

Heino Ainso '63

George H. Andersen '62

Daryoush V. Assadi '74

Armand M. Balekdjian '68

Nicholas E. Barr '70

Vito W. Bassi '64

Clayton W. Bates '56

Allan L. Bednowitz '63

William I. Berks ’51

David A. Bertorelli '66

Allan B. Billings '72

Michael R. Birnbaum '63

William Blackman '56

Boris Blisnuk ’56

David E. Bodenweber '92

Jay R. Bohning '60

Jerome N. Borowick '65

George L. Budd '64

Richard K. Buehler '57

John P. Cagnetta '54

Julius I. Cesare '58

Grace K. Chen '74

Wayne T. Chen '68

Frank J. Cirillo '52

Joseph F. Cirrincione '70

Francis J. Civille '61

Roland A. Colasante '88

Kenneth M. Collins ’65

Anthony Como '54

John J. Cottrell '50

Donald M. Cramer '61

John N. Curtis '49

James E. Dalton '52

Evan E. Davidson '64

Charles A. DeBenedittis '52

Walter A. Defilippi ’51

Kiran J. Desai '68

Gerrit Devries '73

Hibbert A. Duncan '72

Paul G. Ellinghaus '67

Roy A. Erlandson '58

John J. Farber '57

Arnold B. Finestone '55

William G. Flanigan '59

Charles A. Fredrickson '66

Henry C. Frey

Robert E. Freyer '70

Charles M. Fritsch '57

Michael R. Gallo '57

A. J. Gambro '52

Vladimir Gelnovatch '67

Michael R. Giammusso '65

Julius M. Gionta '60

Joseph N. Gittelman '61

Cecil F. Glassman '68

Murray S. Goldstein '56

Alvin S. Goodman '66

Arthur C. Goodwin '53

Cynthia L. Griffiths '85

John P. Gsell '58

Sol Guttenberg '55

Richard K. Hall '65

Zindel H. Heller '67

Gene A. Herber '66

Monte M. Hurowitz ’52

Barry Z. Hyatt ’55

I - Q

Gerald E. Jacobs '60

Eric E. Jungermann ’53

Jay M. Kappraff ’58

Edwin L. Keitz '57

Donald J. Kelly '56

Henri Kent '59

Ajit K. Khaund '77

Tala Khudairi '88

Frederick J. Koegler '59

Richard L. Kohlhausen ’71

John P. Kukon '65

William A. Kuperman '65

Israel Kupiec '63

George Lake '53

Gaurav Lamba '96

Walter A. Lastig '57

Matthew J. Lavell '69

Gat Lee '65

Selwyn E. Lempert

Tor J. Liholt ’65

Peter K. Liu '81

Stanley T. Liu '71

James E. Lowe '70

Louis S. Ma '73

Charles M. Madigan '62

Jeffrey J. Manzione '83

Theodore J. Marcucilli '54

Stephen Anthony Marino ’72

Daniel P. McHugh '69

Wayne E. McMorran '62

George M. Meyerle '69

Bernard L. Meyers '58

Charles N. Miller '57

Karl J. Mixson ’49

Joseph V. Moks '59

Peter C. Murau '63

Adolph C. Neaderland '49

Ira Nemeroff '57

John E. Newell '67

Roman Ostapiak '63

Robert J. Perkel '59

Barbara K. Petrack '51

James A. Plascyk '56

Eleuthere Poumakis '64


Carmelo Ragusa '61

Carl G. Rautenberg '56

Elbert H. Redford '70

John J. Reid '56

Robert G. Rennie '53

Philip C. Richards '61

William J. Richter, Jr. ’64

Ronald J. Rode '64

Charles E. Roden '62

Allan W. Roeder '52

Vincent J. Rosa '53

Harold Rosenbaum '60

Vladimir A. Roth '71

Gabriel S. Salzman '63

Robert J. Sanator '51

Philip Schaten '60

Edward M. Schmidt '64

Edward F. Schoenfeld '59

Ephraim Shatz '62

Charles H. Shields '51

Vincent P. Simpson ’72

Frederick H. Sindel '59

Joseph J. Sirutis '65

Todd N. Solberg '70

Miklos P. Somogyi ’71

Lloyd J. Spafford '65

Peter H. Staley '73

Eugene R. Strupinsky '68

Charles L. Sues '52

Gordon A. Sullivan '69

Michael W. Summo '96

David Szabo '70

Irving Tashlick '53

Joel Tenzer '55

Herbert C. Thorpe '53

Charles A. Tinacci '72

George L. Tomkin '59

Walter P. Tonitto '58

John J. Torrenzano '59

Robert B. Tucker '70

Frank A. Vaccaro '62

Myron S. Verch '66

Stephen I. Warshaw '60

Andrew R. White '92

Judith S. White '48

Richard A. Wien '70

Lawrence A. Wigdor '62

Stanley R. Wrobleski '59

Thomas F. Wylie '62

Julius H. Yoder '67

Michael K. Yu '74

F. Richard Zitzmann '56


If you note any errors or omissions, please contact