New York University
School of Engineering and Science - Ph.D.
Columbia University
Master of Science, Civil Engineering
City College of New York
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Professional Engineer
New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, North Carolina
Certified Professional Hydrologist
American Institute of Hydrology
Polytechnic University (now NYU)
Brooklyn, NY 1973 - Present
Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering
September 1995 - Present
Professor of Civil Engineering
Head, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Deputy Head for Academic Programs
New York University, School of Engineering & Science, NY
Professor of Civil Engineering, 1969-1973
Northeastern University, Boston 1962-1969
Professor of Civil Engineering, 1969
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, 1962-1969
City College of New York, NY 1947-1952
Lecturer, part-time, 1949-1952
Tutor, full-time (Equivalent to Lecturer), 1947-1949
Columbia University, NY 1967-Present
Associate Member - University Seminars
(Pollution and Water Resources)
University of Perugia, Italy 1988-1994
Lecturer, International Advanced Course on Water Resources Management and Consultant, university water resources programs
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellin, Colombia 1988
Consultant, Postgraduate Course in Water Resources Planning
Nanyang Technological Institute 1984-1985
(affiliated with University of Singapore)
Visiting Professor
July-October 1984 and June-November 1985
University of Roorkee, India 1979
Consultant, Ford Foundation Seminar on Systems Analysis
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil 1972
Consultant, Seminar on Water Management
UNESCO Center for Applied Hydrology
Courses Taught at Polytechnic University
- Fluid Mechanics
- Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering
- Environmental Engineering I and II
Various courses in Structural Engineering, Surveying, etc. at other universities
- Water Resources Projects
- Open Channel Flow
- Hydrology I and II
- Water Resources Planning
- Analysis of Public Works
Research and Publications
Research and publications in Project Analysis, Water Resources Planning, Water Quality Management, Hydrology, Environmental Systems Analysis, energy related problems, and education.
Principal Investigator for various sponsored projects. Supervisor of 16 doctoral theses.
Author of “Principles of Water Resources Planning,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1984. Principal author of “Infrastructure Planning Handbook,” 2006 and “Infrastructure Planning, Engineering and Economics,” 2nd Edition, 2015, McGraw-Hill and ASCE. Also author or co-author of 75 other books, technical articles, and research reports, including 40 refereed publications.
Engineering Practice
Office of the Borough President of Brooklyn
Chief Engineer (part-time), 2003-2020
Independent Consultant 1985-Present
Staff Consultant,1962-1985
(Later TAMS Consultants, and Earthtech), NY, on following projects (*except as noted):
Vardar-Axios River Basin-Yugoslavia and Greece Integrated Development of Water Resources, with water resources division of Civil Engineering Department, MIT, for United Nations. Comprehensive evaluation of needs and resources, extensive mathematical modeling and engineering and economic analyses of single and multipurpose developments.
Water Supply for Kingston, Jamaica for World Bank. Assessment of alternative plans for development; engineering, economic and financial analyses and formulation of short and long range plans.
Lesotho Highland Water Project, Lesotho and South Africa, for World Bank. Member of technical assistance consultant team to advise Lesotho and supervise preparation of feasibility report on water diversion project with 6 dams, 3 hydropower stations, and conveyance facilities.
Hackensack Meadowlands, New Jersey, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hydrologic and hydraulic studies of alternative flood control works and benefit-cost analyses.
Water Resources Studies in Susquehanna, Delaware, Allegheny, and Potomac River Basins for various power utilities including generation facilities, water supplies for thermal-electric plants, and recreation facilities. Operations studies, economic analyses, and license applications, for hydroelectric projects.
Multipurpose Water Resources Studies of the Hudson-Mohawk River Basin including the New York Metropolitan area, the Eastern and Western Susquehanna River Basins, and Allegheny River Basin, for various New York State government agencies. Investigations of surface and groundwater supplies, potential reservoir sites, multipurpose water resource needs, and New York City Water supply system.
Bicol River Basin, Luzon, Phillipines. Assessment of opportunities for water resources development.
Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York. Studies for redevelopment for industry and other uses.
San Simao Hydroelectric Project, Brazil. Planning report.
Environmental Impact Statement for Conowingo Hydroelectric Project, for power utility.
Delaware River Thermal Discharge Studies, for Deepwater Power Plant of Atlantic City Electric Co. and for DuPont Co. plant.
Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania Flood Control Plan, for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Tarbela Dam Project, Pakistan. Economic analyses of 3000 mw power plant additions.
Arthur Kill Ravenswood Thermal Power Plants, for ConEdison. Economic and environmental assessments for conversion of 1800 kw of oil-burning plants to coal.
Casa de Piedra Multipurpose Project, Argentina. Economic analysis of hydropower installation.
Shire River Hydroelectric Development, Malawi. Plan of development and feasibility Report.
Chemung River Survey. Measurements of water quality for 100 miles of stream and mathematical modeling to determine water quality program (*Pfisterer Tor Engineering Company)
Lakeview Cemetery Dam and Retention Basin, Cleveland (*Pfisterer Tor Engineering Company)
Flood Insurance Studies. Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for various communities in New York and New Jersey (*Pfisterer Tor Engineering Company; *Frederick R. Harris; *Tor Shapiro and Associates)
Videotape on River Basin Planning. Preliminary work (*U.S. Agency for International Development)
1951-1962: Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton
Successively Senior Civil-Hydraulic Engineer, Assistant to Chief Design Consultant, and Project Engineer. Studies of power generation diesel and hydroelectric alternatives and distribution facilities, Ambato, Ecuador; planning of multipurpose water resource developments in Buyuk Menderes and Gediz River Basins, Turkey; economic feasibility studies of Lower Ebro Right Bank Irrigation Project, Spain; federal license application for Bridge Canyon Hydroelectric Project, Colorado River; design and contract documents for Hanabanilla Hydroelectric Project, Cuba; design of Greers Ferry Dam, Arkansas; design of Braytonville Flood Control Project, Hoosic River, MA
1950-1951: Engineer, Interstate Sanitation Commission
(now Interstate Environmental Commission), New York. Studies of pollution of coastal waters of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut.
1949-1950: Assistant City Engineer, R.B. Brown, Rutherford, New Jersey. Design and field layout of sewers, pumping plants, and street and land improvements.
1944-1947: Military Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, First Lieutenant. Various assignments in military service, including operation and maintenance of facilities.
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Water Resources Association
International Water Resources Association
American Geophysical Union
Water Environment Association
American Society for Engineering Education
New York Academy of Sciences
Water Resources Association of the Delaware River Basin
Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon
Honors and Citations
Who’s Who in America
Who’s Who in Engineering
Founder’s Day Award, New York University
AT&T Foundation Award, American Society for Engineering Education