Undergraduate Advisors

Your advisor will guide you in creating an education path that will lead you to your dream career.

If you are a first-year student (i.e. attending college for the first time), your advisor is Brittany Aranowitz, Sita Dwarika, Jason Le, or Tassamai Sawetpibul (located in 232 Dibner Building), depending on your major. First-year students can also send general inquiries to the Academic Advisement Center at soefirstyearadvising@nyu.edu.

Transfer students are advised by their academic departments.

Brittany Aranowitz

  • Biomolecular Science
  • Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Undeclared

Sita Dwarika

  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science

Jason Le

  • Applied Physics
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mathematics and Physics
  • Mechanical Engineering

Tassamai Sawetpibul

  • Business and Technology Management
  • Civil Engineering

Technology, Culture and Society students (i.e. Integrated Digital Media, Science and Technology Studies, and Sustainable Urban Environments majors) will be advised by their departmental advisors for the duration of their academic careers.

If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior, your advisor is a member of your major department. You can also contact tandon-advising@nyu.edu with general questions.