David Mugglin

  • Industry Professor

David Mugglin
Research Interests
Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Light Induced Kinetic Effects Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos

Monmouth College
Bachelor of Science

Lehigh University
Master of Science

Lehigh University
Doctor of Philosophy

Journal Articles


  • Momentum transport cross sections for excited and ground state potassium with rare gases by light-induced diffusive pulling D.T. Mugglin and A.D. Streater, J Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 26, 689(1993)
  • Light-induced diffusive pulling and diffusion cross sections for K-He: experiment and theory A.P. Hickman, D.T. Mugglin, and A.D. Streater, Optics Communications 102, 281 (1993)
  • Observation of white light-induced separation of Rb isotopes D.T. Mugglin, A.D. Streater, S. Balle, and K. Bergmann, Optics Communications 104, 165 (1993)