MOT London-NYC | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

MOT London-NYC

A unique learning opportunity for M.S. Management of Technology (MOT) students to do their first year at NYU London and finish their degree in New York.



London city scene with red double decker bus


Through a partnership between NYU Tandon and NYU London, newly admitted MOT students have the option of pursuing their first-year coursework at NYU London and then traveling to New York for the completion of their degree. The MOT London-NYC option, will be attractive to students who are interested in having a unique two-campus, international study experience for their master’s degree. Students will live in London, be enrolled full-time, and enjoy a special cohort-based experience. Students who require a student visa to study in the United States will be able to apply for OPT and have the additional opportunity to apply for work authorization in the United Kingdom through the High Potential Individual (HPI) visa program. 

For more information about this program please email


Tandon will offer the following courses at NYU London. All are core courses within the MOT curriculum and will count toward a student’s degree requirements. If your participation is confirmed, you must enroll in the London-specific sections of the courses below. Participating students must take and continue in all of these courses; once your semester in London has started, you may not drop them:

  • MG-GY 6013 Organizational Behavior
  • MG-GY 6023 Economics and Strategy
  • MG-GY 6033 Financial Analysis for Technology Management
  • MG-GY 7953 Global Innovation 
  • MG-GY 6203 Data Visualization for Business Intelligence
  • MG-GY 6193 Statistics for Data Analysts 


All students must:

  • be admitted to begin their program in Fall 2025,
  • commit to relocate and live in London during the first academic year, and
  • enroll in all of the courses offered at NYU London. Following the Fall semester, you will travel to New York for the Fall 2026 semester and complete the remainder of your degree in New York. 

Travel and Visa Information

All students going on this programme will require a UK Student Visa (except UK or Irish citizens or those with UK residence status).

Some students may require a special English language exam prior to applying for the visa. The IELTS is the approved UK test for language (The TOEFL and others used for US/NYU Admissions will not be accepted). 

Students Who Will Require US Visas to Travel to New York following their First Year in London

Participating students should apply to Get a US Visa at least 3-4 months before the start of the Fall 2026 semester so that they can have their immigration documents to travel to New York for the Fall semester after their time in London. If you already have your I-20 and need it updated to reflect your Fall 2026 entry to the US, please submit the Entry Plan form so OGS can adjust your document.