Spring 2024 ECE Seminars | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Spring 2024

Ruth Müller
Department of Science, Technology and Society, Technical University of Munich

Svenja Breuer
Department of Science, Technology and Society, Technical University of Munich

Michael Holohan
School of Medicine and Health, Technical University of Munich

Epistemologies of AI: Imagining the Social World in and through AI Research

Wednesday, January 10 | Seminar Recordings

Max Shulaker
Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, MIT

Next-Generation Computing: Transitioning Beyond-Silicon Technologies from Idea to Reality

Thursday, February 22 | Seminar Recordings

Vijaykrishnan Narayanan
Chair Professor, Computer Science & Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

Advances in Ferroelectric devices for supporting Data-Intensive Applications

Thursday, February 22

Jamie Shotton
Discovery Department, Wayve Technologies

Modern AI Series: Frontiers in Embodied AI for Autonomous Driving

Tuesday, February 27 | Seminar Recordings

Hammond Pearce
Assistant Professor, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia

Chip-Chat: Current Progress and The Path Towards Generated Hardware by Generative AI

Wednesday, February 28 | Seminar Recordings

Arthur Gretton
Professor, Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London

Modern AI Series: Learning to act in Noisy Contexts using Deep Proxy Learning

Monday, March 11 | Seminar Recordings

Rikos Apostolos
Postdoctoral Associate, Systems Engineering, Boston University

Distributed Optimization: Achieving Communication Efficiency and Privacy Preservation Guarantees

Tuesday, March 19 | Seminar Recordings

Somil Bansal
Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California

Safety Assurances for Learning-Enabled Robotic Systems

Wednesday, March 27 | Seminar Recordings

Gaia Tomasello
Editor in Chief, Journal of Advanced Electronic Materials, WILEY

The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools in Scientific Publishing with Wiley

Thursday, March 28 | Seminar Recordings

Johannes Ballé
Staff Research Scientist, Google

Learned Image Compression and Visual Perception

Thursday, April 04 | Seminar Recordings

Robert M. Radway
PhD Candidate, Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

The Next Leap in Hardware Systems: Powered by Heterogenous Memory, Logic, and 3D Integration

Monday, April 08 | Seminar Recordings

Wenqi Cui
Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Washington

Structured Control and Learning for Sustainable Energy Systems

Wednesday, April 10 | Seminar Recordings

J. Andrew (Drew) Bagnell
Chief Scientist and co-founder, Aurora

Modern AI Series: An Invitation to Imitation

Monday, April 15

Raghavendra Pothukuchi
Associate Research Scientist, Yale University

Building the Infinite Brain

Thursday, April 18

C.-C. Jay Kuo
William M. Hogue Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Southern California

Toward Interpretable and Sustainable AI/ML

Tuesday, April 23

Andreas A. Malikopoulos
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University

Separation of Learning and Control in Emerging Mobility Systems

Thursday, April 25

Ananda Theertha Suresh
Research Scientist, Google, New York

Efficient Language Model Inference using Statistical Tools

Thursday, April 25

Ron Dabora
Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel.

On the Capacity of Interference-Limited Communications Channels with Memory

Thursday, April 25

Dr. Samantha Wood
Assistant Professor, Indiana University Bloomington

Modern AI Series: Reverse-Engineering the “Recipe” for Object Perception

Tuesday, April 30

Laurent Burlion
Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University

Drones Flight Envelope Protection Using Reference Governors

Tuesday, April 30

Urbashi Mitra
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science, University of Southern California

Exploiting Statistical Hardness for Increased Privacy in Wireless Systems

Tuesday, May 7

Umar Niazi
Postdoctoral Associate, Laboratory for Information & Decision Systems, MIT

Resilience and Security of Infrastructure Systems

Tuesday, May 7

Shai Avidan
Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University

Matching 3D Point Clouds

Thursday, May 16