NYU researchers invent new real-time data analysis system for humanitarian agencies

“Too much time is spent collecting data,” explain NYU doctoral student Kien Pham and CDS’s Juliana Freire in their co-authored paper, “and not enough time is spent making sense of it.”

Juliana Freire is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering.

A difficult reality facing humanitarian agencies is that they cannot immediately address all of the world’s crises, particularly when constrained by limited financial and human resources. … A new targeted information retrieval system, however, aims to automate these tasks for humanitarian workers so that they can make decisions about aid delivery and disaster response more quickly. Invented by NYU [Tandon] doctoral student Kien Pham and a research team comprising of Juliana Freire, the Executive Director of the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment at the NYU Center for Data Science, and experts from IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center, the new system contains four main components: a focused web crawler, a metadata extractor, a content classifier, and a feedback mechanism.


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