Urban Faculty Awards

NSF Career Awards & Young Investigator Awards
- C. Kontokosta - NSF CAREER Award, 2017
- S. Ergan - DARPA Young Investigator Award, 2016
- M. Iskander - NSF CAREER Award, 1998
Society Fellowships
- M. Iskander - ASCE Fellow
- C. Kontokosta- ASCE Fellow
- D. Laefer - Fellow, International Congress of Disaster Management, 2009
- D. Laefer - Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2000
- C. Kontokosta - Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
- C. Kontokosta - LEED Accredited Professional, US Green Building Council
- C. Kontokosta - American Institute of Certified Planners certification
- C. Kontokosta - Goddard Junior Faculty Fellowship, 2017
Teaching Awards
- M. Iskander - Chi Epsilon James M. Robbins Excellence in Teaching Award, Metropolitan District, 2000
- M. Iskander - Distinguished Teacher Award, Polytechnic University, 2002
- M. Iskander - Jacobs Excellence in Education Award, 2009
- M. Iskander - Jacobs Excellence in Education Award, 2006
- C. Kontokosta - NYU Teaching Excellence Award (SPS), 2012
- D. Laefer - UCD’s Presidential Teaching Award, 2007
- D. Laefer- Faculty Advising Award, North Carolina State University, 2004
- S. Ergan - Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007
- M. Iskander - General Dynamics Outstanding Teaching Assistant-Assistant Instructor, The University of Texas at Austin, 1990
- D. Laefer- Teaching Incentive Grant, General Electric, 2000
Other Professional Honors
- C. Kontokosta - Google IoT Research Award, 2016
- D. Laefer - Women on Walls honoring 8 Ireland-based women researchers, Irish Royal Academy, 2016
- D. Laefer - Wall of Frames Award for Most Cited Papers in the College of Engineering, University College Dublin, 2016
- D. Laefer - First place, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Data Fusion Contest, Milan, Italy, 2015
- D. Laefer - Best Track award, ISPRS Geospatial Week, GeoBigData Workshop, IQumulus, Processing Contest, La Grande Motte, France, 2015
- C. Kontokosta - Best Paper Award, Bloomberg Data for Good Exchange, 2015
- C. Kontokosta - Bloomberg Data for Good Symposium, Best Paper Award, 2015
- C. Kontokosta - IBM Faculty Award, 2015
- M. Iskander - Outstanding Project Award for Efforts in Sustainability and Media, NSF GK-12 Program, 2011
- C. Kontokosta - Outstanding Service Award, New York University (SPS), 2010
- D. Laefer - Best Paper Award, Deep Foundations, 2009
- D. Laefer - Women and Equity Award, University level recognition, North Carolina State University, 2002