Graduated Civil Engineer of the Technion, Israel, in 1970, Prof. Juran earned his Doctorate of Engineering, in 1977, and Doctorate Es Science from the University of Paris VI, in 1987. He co-founded and served as the Deputy Director of the Geotechnical Research Center of the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (1981–1986). As Associate Professor at Louisiana State University (1986-1990) his infrastructure geotechnical research was funded by US federal agencies, including FHWA, NSF, and private infrastructure industry. In 1989 Prof. Juran was elected to create and chair (1989 – 2001) the Technical Committee of Ground Improvement, Reinforcement and Grouting of the ISSMFE with dedicated research centers in several member states and a Ground Improvement Journal published today by Thomas Telford.
As Head of the Civil & Environmental Engineering Dep. at the Polytechnic University (1990 -1998), currently the Civil and Urban Engineering Department at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Prof. Juran’s responsibilities included development of multi-disciplinary educational and research programs relevant to the urban infrastructure priority needs of NYC agencies and utilities, including field demonstration and assessment of infrastructure technology solutions in a variety of urban infrastructure sectors. During his tenure as Department Head, the CE faculty experienced an unprecedented multi-disciplinary research growth ($75K to over $4M) with a significant increase of the Tenure Track faculty, the PhD program and new graduate programs of Executive Construction Management, funded by the Soros Foundation, and Urban Infrastructure Systems MS funded by the NSF.
With over 100 publications, reports and book chapters, working with the city infrastructure and federal agencies on urban infrastructure research projects using NYC sites as a living laboratory for demonstration and assessment of innovative solutions, Prof. Juran co-founded as Principal or Co-Principal Investigator the NYC Town and Gown University Consortium (1993), the NSF funded ($5.5M) Institute for Civil Infrastructure Systems (ICIS, 1996), the Urban ITS Center (1995), Chaired by the Commissioner of NYC-DOT, and the ($1.8M) Urban Utility Center for NYC underground Infrastructure rehabilitation and assets management, chaired by the Deputy Commissioner of NYC-DDC. The Urban Infrastructure Institute established in 1998 enabled to pursue the infrastructure research projects undertaken by the Urban Utility Center and to support the development of the Urban Systems PhD program.
Prof. Juran served as senior adviser to local governments, elected officials and urban utilities including Paris, New York and Ashkelon, as well as a senior adviser to International Organizations including UN Secretariat, UNDP, and UNESCO. He is the co-founder and the Executive Director of the W-SMART Association, the International Alliance of Water and Wastewater Utilities for Sustainable Water Security, established in the aftermath of 9/11 at the initiative of the Commissioner of NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). In 2011 Prof. Juran co-founded the W-SMART Research Center at the University of Lille, which spearheaded the creation of a university-wide smart urban systems demonstration site (“SUNRISE”). The site was selected by the EU-FP7 as one of the 4 demonstration sites for the ($10M) SmartWater4Europe project and supported PhD research at the University of Lille and at NYU, which was recently co-sponsored by Con-Edison. In 2021, with his leadership, the W-SMART Association became an Official UNESCO Partner NGO and was designated by the General Assembly as Secretary General for the IHP ACADEMY for Eco-Sustainable Metropolitan Coastal Development.
Technion ( Israel)
Bachelor of Science
University of Paris VI, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
Doctor of Philosophy
University of Paris VI, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees
Doctor of Science
Main R&D Research Projects
PI or Co-PI, W-SMART Research Center at the University of Lille
(In the recent 10 years)
Intelligent network Control & On-site Monitoring – Sponsor: W-SMART member-utilities
Bio-Safety Monitoring, Assessment & Real-time conTrol” - W-SMART member-utilities
- SW4EU – Smart Water for Europe
2.5M€ Smart Water Management “SUNRISE” Demo-site, EU-FP7 program
- GasLeak
AI application feasibility study for leakage geolocation in Gas Distribution systems” – Sponsor: Con Ed
- Smart-WWTP – Smart Waste Water Treatment Process
Sponsor: SIAAP, France
Selected Publications & Global Media
(In the recent 4 years)
- Silvia Tinelli & Ilan Juran (2019) “Artificial intelligence-based monitoring system of water quality parameters for early detection of non-specific bio-contamination in water distribution systems” IWA Publication, Journal of Water Supply;
- Wilmer P. Cantos; Ilan Juran; Silvia Tinelli (2019) “Machine Learning based Risk Assessment Method for Leak Detection and geo-Location in a Water Distribution System” ASCE Infrastructure Systems;
- Avinash Prasad; Ilan Juran; Bojidar Yanev (2021) “Statistical Data Analysis of the Aging Effect on Time Dependent Corrosion Rate for Steel Girder Bridges” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems;
- Stephen Stark & Ilan Juran (2021) “Risk Management Approach to Low-Level Trackway Nonconformances” Transportation Research Board Journal
- Stephen Stark & Ilan Juran (2022) “Statistical Data Analysis for Trackway Asset Management Using Low-Level Nonconformance Rates” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems;
- https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/ashkelon-gaza-mayors-fight-for-a-common-good
- https://press.un.org/en/2006/pal2049.doc.htm
Referred Publications
(In the recent 10 years)
- Mamo, Thewodros G., Ilan Juran, and Isam Shahrour.(2013) “Urban Water Demand Forecasting Using the Stochastic Nature of Short Term Historical Water Demand and supply Pattern. Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering. 16(3), 92-103.
Mamo, Thewodros G., Ilan Juran, and Isam Shahrour.(2013) “Prioritization of Municipal Water Mains Leakages for the Selection of R&R Maintenance Strategies Using Risk Based Multi-Criteria FAHP Model.” Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering 16(4),
Mamo, Thewodros G., and Ilan Juran.(2014) "The Potential Future Innovative Application of Municipal Water Supply Database" International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER),
Mamo, Thewodros G., and Ilan Juran.(2014) "Source of Uncertainty in Water Supply Pipeline Leak Detection Using District metered area Data." Intern. Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) 2(3), 10-17.
Mamo, Thewodros G., Ilan Juran, and Isam Shahrour.(2014) "Municipal Water Pipe Network Leak Detection and Monitoring system Using Advanced Pattern Recognizer Support Vector Machine (SVM)" Journal of Pattern Recognition Research
TINELLI S., JURAN I., and CANTOS W. P. (2017). "Early detection System of non-specific bio-contaminations in Water Distribution Systems". Proceedings of IWA Efficient 2017, July- Bath (and under review in Water Science and Technology: Water Supply).
TINELLI S., and JURAN I. (2017). "Numerical Modeling of Early Bio-Contamination in a Water Distribution System and Comparison with Laboratory Experiments". Proceedings, ASCE International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, October-NYC. 2017;
CANTOS W. P., JURAN I., and TINELLI S. (2017). "Risk Assessment for Early Water Leak Detection". Proceedings, ASCE International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure, 2017;
Silvia Tinelli and Ilan Juran (2019) “Artificial intelligence-based monitoring system of water quality parameters for early detection of non-specific bio-contamination in water distribution systems” IWA Publication, Journal of Water Supply;
Wilmer P. Cantos; Ilan Juran; Silvia Tinelli (2019) “Machine Learning based Risk Assessment Method for Leak Detection and geo-Location in a Water Distribution System” ASCE Infrastructure Systems
Avinash Prasad; Ilan Juran; Bojidar Yanev (2021) “Statistical Data Analysis of the Aging Effect on Time Dependent Corrosion Rate for Steel Girder Bridges” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems;
Stephen Stark & Ilan Juran (2021) “Risk Management Approach to Low-Level Trackway Nonconformances” Transportation Research Board Journal
Stephen Stark & Ilan Juran (2022) “Statistical Data Analysis for Trackway Asset Management Using Low-Level Nonconformance Rates” ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems;
Eelco Trietsch, Renske Raaphorst, Silvia Tinelli and Ilan Juran (2021) “Demonstration of Sensing, Information and Communication Technology (SICT) Solutions for Smart Water Management: The Smart Water for Europe (SW4EU) Project” Book Chapter of “The Smart Water Management (SWM) Case Study Report” K-WATER & IWRA