Environmental Program Degrees | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Environmental Program Degrees

Our offerings in environmental engineering/science span from an undergraduate minor in environmental engineering to a Ph.D. in Civil (Environmental) Engineering. We also offer three options to study for a master's degree in environmental engineering/science, which may be pursued through full or part-time study.

Photo of a tree in a glass ball

Master's in Environmental Engineering

The master's in environmental engineering provides students with a fundamental understanding of the science and engineering of natural and engineered environmental systems, with a focus on the built urban environment. Students learn to design water and wastewater treatment systems and their components. They are prepared to control and operate environmental infrastructure.

Recommended Educational Background: BS/BE Engineering, BS/BE Civil Engineering, BS/BE Environmental Engineering

water treatment plant

Learn more: Environmental Engineering, M.S.

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Master's in Environmental Science

The master's in environmental science provides students with a fundamental understanding of the science and applied engineering of natural and urban environmental systems. Students learn to evaluate the interactions between humans and the environment and control the adverse impacts of pollution on ecological systems considering climate change.

Recommended Educational Background: BS/BE Engineering, BS/BE Civil Engineering, BS/BA in related field

Environmental Science Central Park

Learn more: Environmental Science, M.S.

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Master's in Civil Engineering

Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Concentration

The master's in civil engineering with a concentration in environmental engineering integrates fundamental notions of environmental engineering within the broader context of civil engineering. Students are expected to complete 4 core courses in civil engineering (12 Credits), 4 concentration courses in environmental engineering and/or water resources (12 Credits). The remaining 6 credits may be taken as 2 electives, a research based thesis, or a research project and one elective.

Recommended Educational Background: BS/BE Civil Engineering


Learn more: Civil Engineering, M.S.

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Doctorate in Civil Engineering

Environmental and Water Resource Engineering Concentration

The doctorate in Civil (Environmental Engineering) offers a personalized research-based educational experience. Recent graduates have worked on a wide range of topics including

  1. Coastal resiliency
  2. Water quality
  3. Wastewater treatment
  4. Detection and control of waterborne pathogens, and
  5. Design of natural wastewater treatment systems.

Recommended Educational Background: Masters of Science in related field

looking up at building structure

Learn more: Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

Get details about requirements for Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

Undergraduate Minor in Environmental Engineering

The undergraduate minor in Environmental Engineering exposes students to the fundamental principles of environmental engineering theory and practice. Students complete 5 courses which permits them apply these principles to solve practical problems that involve evaluation and treatment of contaminated water, soils, and air. The minor is available to all NYU students meeting its prerequisites.


Learn more: Minor in environmental engineering

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