Event Planning and Services
Your guide to best practices for holding events at NYU Tandon
The Tandon School of Engineering is committed to advancing the programs and research initiatives of its centers, faculty, staff, and students. As event and meeting resources at the Brooklyn campus are limited, priority must be given to Tandon-affiliated groups. Accordingly, no event — internal or external — may interfere with previously scheduled academic courses or events.
Booking Space
Who can book a space
In order to reserve space and host events at the School of Engineering, you must be a staff/administrator or faculty member. Those who do not fall into one of these categories (and, thus, are unaffiliated with the school) must have a School of Engineering event sponsor.
An event sponsor is an administrator, staff, or faculty member of the Tandon School of Engineering whose associated group, office, or department has agreed to partner with an external party on a given event or meeting. The event sponsor and their office are required to reserve any required meeting/event space(s); arrange associated access and services for said events; and will be financially liable for any charges associated with the meeting/event. The event sponsor is responsible for entering non-NYU guests into the NYU Visitors Management System, JRNY. The event sponsor or a designated department administrator is required to physically be present at the event in order to support the external party.
How to book a space
Event and Meeting Space
Event and meeting spaces maintained by the School of Engineering can be reserved using the Virtual Event Management System (VEMS). This web-based client will allow account holders to book select rooms in the following locations:
- 1 MetroTech
- 2 MetroTech
- 5 MetroTech (Dibner)
- 6 MetroTech (Rogers Hall/Jacobs Academic Building)
- Brooklyn Navy Yard - Building 22
- Outdoor Spaces
To reserve event/meeting space in VEMS, you must first request a VEMS account by submitting the “Create An Account” form on the NYU Tandon SoE VEMS Login page. Once an account has been created for you, you will be able to create a reservation/reserve a space. We recommend all new hires responsible for room reservations request an account as part of their onboarding process.
Although an account is required to make reservations, faculty and staff/administrators without an account can review room availability and browse upcoming events on the VEMS Browse Events page.
Student clubs and organizations recognized by the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement should submit an event request on NYU Engage to reserve a room. Student groups recognized by a Tandon academic department, another NYU school, or the Center for Student Life should complete the Brooklyn Event Request Form for non-Tandon OSL&E Clubs on NYU Engage.
Review the following guidelines before submitting a reservation request in VEMS:
Booking timeline
- Room Administrators review and approve/deny reservation requests during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.).
- Reservation requests should be submitted in VEMS at least one (1) month prior to the event’s start date. Requests submitted within 1 week of the event’s start date may not be accommodated depending on time, space, and set-up requirements.
- Requests for specific rooms or event spaces will be honored when possible. However, the Tandon Events Team reserves the right to reassign space when necessary and to identify a suitable alternative for the original reservation.
- Reservation requests should be submitted when major event details (i.e., date, time, and preferred location) are confirmed. If a reservation request is approved, the organizer may then input any necessary event services into VEMS (such as for media support and IT) or directly contact the relevant offices (in the case of catering, security, and facilities). Additional information about this process can be found in the Event Services section of this guide.
- Reservations should be regularly updated in VEMS as soon as additional event information is confirmed.
- For guidance on how to edit your reservation and services to your event, visit EMS’ Edit Reservations and Booking resource site
Booking cancellations
- If necessary, room reservations must be canceled in VEMS at least two (2) business days prior to the event date.
Classroom Space
Classrooms cannot be reserved using VEMS. In order to request a classroom space, please contact Tandon Records and Registration with your booking details:
- Email: Tandon.Registration@nyu.edu
- Phone: (646) 997-4123
Please include:
- Name of your booking,
- Date of your booking,
- Start/end time of your booking, and
- Size of room you need.
Additional cleaning and setup charges may apply for events held in classrooms, especially when reserving the classroom during the weekend.
Event Space Diagrams
When making your room reservation in VEMS you will be asked to enter a setup type.
Room Setup Types

We have created diagrams for each Tandon event space:
The diagrams take into consideration the available furniture and the room’s capacity for each room. Feel free to upload the diagram of your choice into your reservation. This diagram will be shared with Client Services when Event Services and Support places the request for a work order.
Promoting Your Event
Design and Creative Requests
To request creative assistance with your event marketing materials and/or collateral (flyers, email and webpage headers, posters, flyers, table banners, etc), please submit to the Creative Request Form.
Digital signage
To request a poster or submit one to be published on digital monitors across campus, visit the Digital Poster Requests website
Print resources and vendors
For physical printing services, please fill out the Creative Request Form. Additional resources for printing and shipping inquiries can be found at the Copy and Mail Center
Add an event to the website
Find out how to create an event on the Tandon website
Promote via email
Mass email request and guidelines
Tandon Times: Submit your event to be included in Student Life's weekly newsletter
Guidelines for printed event signage and logo usage
Media Services
After your event reservation is confirmed, you have the ability to re-enter your VEMS booking and add new services. For inquiries or other information related to media services for your event, email Tandon Media Services to confirm your event needs and setup requirements.
- Email: tsoe-av@nyu.edu
- Phone: (646) 997-3934
- Directory of Spaces Supported by Tandon Media Services
Please consider the following guidelines when requesting media support:
- Your requested room reservation time should include set-up and break down time. Media Services will need at least 60 minutes for set-up and 30 minutes for break down.
- Events held outside of Media Services’ event support hours may incur charges:
- Tandon Media Services Event Support Hours
- Monday-Thursday: 7:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
- Friday: 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
- Tandon Media Services Event Support Hours
- When submitting a space reservation in VEMS, additional equipment (e.g., microphones, speakers, etc.) can be requested for the event. Loaned equipment must be returned at the end of the event.
- Failure to return equipment and/or missing, damaged, or stolen equipment may result in an additional charge up to $500.
Te request equipment for events held in classrooms and spaces not available via VEMS, please email tsoe-av@nyu.edu. Submitted requests are subject to review based on space, availability, and event needs.
Select spaces on the Brooklyn Campus are serviced by NYU Campus Media. For a directory of supported spaces and how-to request support, visit NYU Campus Media Support.
To book on-campus food services for an event, visit the Plated Catering at NYU Brooklyn website. All requested services should be confirmed and amended directly with NYU Plated.
For other catering options, please refer to the list of University Approved Caterers.
The Green Events Standard is required for events with 48+ people but can be applied to all events for more sustainable food options and catering experiences.
Facilities and Operations
Furniture setup
All event setup requirements must be updated and captured in EMS no later than 1 week prior to the event. Adjustments or new requests made within 1 week of an event’s start date may not be accommodated depending on time, space, and set-up requirements
Events with more than 75 attendees and/or where food and beverage are served require supplemental cleaning for the duration of the event. In these cases, cleaning fees may apply.
Requests for cleaning services can be submitted on the Client Services website.
To notify Tandon Facilities of any changes to the furniture, room setup, or other facilities requests you’ve submitted in your original VEMS reservation go to VEMS, My Events Tab, click on the reservation you need to cancel or change. If you need further assistance email tsoe-events@nyu.edu.
Event spaces used during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday) will require maintenance staff to set up the space and maintain the facilities (bathrooms, garbage removal, etc.). Additional fees will apply. Upon confirmation of your reservation and event details a quote will be provided.
To request additional security from NYU Campus Safety for your event, submit the Campus Safety Security Staffing Form.
More information regarding Campus Safety requests can be found on the CampusSafetyLink - Request Safety Services website.
Non-NYU visitors must be sponsored by the Tandon Department Event Host and entered into JRNY. For more information visit Sponsoring Visitors.
To request photography services from the NYU Photo Bureau (fees may apply), submit the Photographic Coverage Request Form. Additional information regarding the Photo Bureau and event pricing can be found on the Photo Bureau’s website.
Download the Media Release Form for those being filmed/photographed.
Please share event photographs with the Marketing Team (engineering.marcomm@nyu.edu) so they can be added to the NYU Tandon photo repository.
IT Needs
To request support from Information Systems for an event, please email the School of Engineering Help Desk to confirm your event needs and setup requirements:
- Email: soe-helpdesk@nyu.edu
- Phone: (646) 997-3123
Please consider the following guidelines when requesting IT support:
- Your requested room reservation time should include set-up and breakdown time. Information Systems will need at least 60 minutes for set-up and 30 minutes for breakdown.
- Events held outside of Information Systems’s support hours must be coordinated at least two weeks in advance:
Tandon Information Systems Support Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- When submitting a space reservation in VEMS, additional equipment may be requested for the event, but there is no guarantee of availability.
- Loaned equipment must be returned at the end of the event.