Solutions for Sustainable Futures

  • Innovating in the general realm of sustainability and using technology to promote sustainability on campus and in the community

Logo for Solutions for Sustainable futures with the same words in green lettering

 Projects will be centered around environmental and social problems including climate change, food insecurity, environmental justice, consumerism, connection to nature and others. Projects will be student-driven and will evolve over time based on student interest.

The team will research a particular challenge on campus or in NYC/nationally and work towards addressing the problem.

An example of this is for instance food insecurity. The national rate of food insecurity fluctuates between 11-15% and has likely increased due to COVID-19. Yet the USDA only collects food insecurity data once a year on the state level. The students on this project would research the different ways of measuring food insecurity and design a food insecurity tracker that could help communities to direct resources in real time, particularly at times of multiple disasters. Future directions could include partnerships with emergency food providers and other not-for-profits, food companies, and local governments to introduce new solutions to community food insecurity.


Methods & Technologies

  • Qualitative & Quantitative Data Collection
  • Spatial Data Analysis/Mapping
  • Data visualization
  • Website/App Development
  • Policy Analysis


Faculty Advisor

  • Alice Reznickova
  • Email: