Thompson-Bartlett Fellowship | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Thompson-Bartlett Fellowship

The Thompson-Bartlett Summer Research Fellowship supports summer research internships for outstanding women undergraduate students across majors at NYU Tandon, especially those majoring in CBE, CS, EE, ECE, ME or PH or who plan to pursue projects related to STEM fields. The selected students will have the opportunity to get involved in cutting-edge research with NYU School of Engineering faculty for 10 weeks through the Undergraduate Summer Research Program. The positions are paid, full-time internships.

Qualified students that apply for Undergraduate Summer Research Program are automatically considered for the fellowship. Recipients of this award will be compensated for the summer and will be recognized as Thompson-Bartlett Summer Research Fellows granting them access to other events and opportunities.

About the Donor

dede bartlettDede Bartlett is a career coach to thousands of college and graduate students across the U.S.A. Her lectures on career and work/life issues are drawn from her impressive background as a senior officer with two Fortune 500 companies – Exxon Mobil and Altria – a Trustee of the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, a Director of A Better Chance, and the Immediate Past Chair of the Advisory Board of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Dede Bartlett was Vice President of Corporate Affairs Programs at Altria Group, Inc. where she developed the Company’s award-winning domestic violence education programs and produced more than 40 conferences around the world. She was also Vice President and Corporate Secretary of the Company. Earlier, she served as Corporate Secretary of Mobil Corporation, Assistant to the Chairman and CEO, President of Mobil Foundation and Chair of the Board’s Contributions Committee. Mrs. Bartlett has received The Woman Who Makes a Difference Award from the International Women’s Forum and has been honored by Lifetime Television, the National Center for Victims of Crime, the National Council of Jewish Women and the Center Against Domestic Violence. The mother of a daughter and son with advanced degrees, she is an honors graduate of Vassar College, holds a Masters Degree from New York University and is a former trustee of the American University of Central Asia. She and her husband live in Connecticut.

Ms. Bartlett established this summer research stipend in honor of her father, George Juul Thompson, a 1930 graduate of Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. After completing his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering, Mr. Thompson had a distinguished career with General Electric, the Naval Applied Science Laboratory in Brooklyn’s Naval Shipyard, and with the Naval Ship Research & Development Center in Annapolis, MD. In 1969, he received the Meritorious Civilian Service Award from the Department of the Navy. From 1948-1968, Mr. Thompson also served as a part-time instructor in Polytechnic’s department of Electrical Engineering.