Tandon and CAS CS Programs | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

NYU has two excellent computer science departments, one in the Tandon School of Engineering and one in the College of Arts and Science (CAS).

Both offer degree programs at the undergraduate, masters and Ph.D. level and have vibrant research programs. Graduates of both programs have excellent job prospects and are well prepared for graduate study. However, there are some distinctions between the programs offered by the two departments. We hope this comparison of the two undergraduate computer science majors will help you decide which is right for you. For detailed descriptions of the programs see the BS in Computer Science curriculum page and NYU Courant's Computer Science page.

For more information about the BS in computer science in the Tandon School of Engineering, contact cseadvisement@nyu.edu. For more information about the BS in computer science in the College of Arts and Science, contact dus@cs.nyu.edu.




Degree Granted
BS (Bachelor of Science) BA (Bachelor of Arts)
Required Computer Science Courses
Computer Science Elective
18 credits computer science electives (usually 6 courses) 5 computer science electives (20 credits) numbered CSCI-UA.04xx . May substitute up to 2 approved math classes.
Required math courses
Required science courses
3 science courses suitable for natural science or engineering majors; normally chosen from Tandon introductory sequences in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
  • Physical Science (CORE-UA 2xx)
  • Life Science (CORE-UA 3xx)

or CAS-approved substitutions at the appropriate level.

Required writing courses
  • Writing the Essay (EXPOS-UA) or Writing I & II, International Writing I & II

NOTE: Advanced College Essay is NOT required

Required humanities and social sciences courses (not including expos)
4 courses, including an ethics course
  • Texts & Ideas (CORE-UA 4xx)
  • Cultures & Contexts (CORE-UA 5xx)
  • Societies & Social Science
  • Expressive Cultures (CORE-UA 7xx)
Foreign language requirement
None CAS core curriculum (proficiency in a foreign language through the intermediate level)
Required engineering courses
Free electives
26 credits ( 7 to 9 courses) Many
Total credits
128 credits 128 points
Credits outside of home school
Students are normally limited to at most 16 credits outside of the Tandon School of Engineering. Students may not take CS courses in CAS if equivalent courses are available in Tandon. Well qualified students may be permitted to take CS courses in CAS if there is no equivalent course in Tandon and if space is available. Students are normally limited to at most 16 credits outside of the College of Arts and Science. Students may not take CS courses in Tandon if equivalent courses are available in CAS. Well qualified students may be permitted to take CS courses in Tandon if there is no equivalent course in CAS and if space is available.
Study Abroad
With careful planning students can spend a semester or year studying abroad and complete the degree requirements within 4 years. Many students can spend a semester abroad, or even a year, with careful planning.
The Tandon School of Engineering is located on the downtown Brooklyn campus. Students in this program take most of their classes with other Tandon students, who are generally interested in math, science, and engineering. The school encourages invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Strong students have opportunities to participate in research along with faculty and graduate students. The College of Arts and Science is located on the Washington Square campus. Students in this program take many classes with students from liberal arts, math, and science programs. Students who are interested in taking a large number of social science, humanities, and foreign languages courses, as well as computer science, will have more options in this program. Strong students have opportunities to participate in research along with faculty and graduate students.
Related majors offered by department

Honors track available for each major  

CS related minors for non-CS majors
Minors intended for students in either a CS major or closely related major

*This minor fits smoothly with the Tandon CS BS major. CS students from CAS can also take these minors, provided that they plan carefully.

CAS students can take the Tandon cybersecurity minor if they have not exceeded the 16 credit limit for courses outside of CAS, and they have the prerequisites.