Global Challenge: Data Science/AI/Robotics and Sustainability
I aspire to face interesting real world problems that require me to think differently and innovatively, in ways that would not only get me closer to the solution but also enrich me as an engineer.
Even before majoring in Computer Engineering, I have always had an interest in understanding the working of computer programs and systems. Throughout high school, I was consistent in being a part of the annual SPARK! — a hackathon event that facilitates computer science workshops, idea pitching, and collaborative projects — as a member and also a mentor in consecutive years. In addition to that, I was also active as a teacher assistant in my junior year of high school, helping rising freshmans and sophomores to familiarize with data structures and algorithms concepts. When I’m not spending time in classes or doing work, I like to sing, practice the guitar, and tinker around with music production softwares and techniques. Both my love for computer science and music have manifested into my audio programming work with NYU High Speed Research Network team, where I helped develop an integrated audio plugin with the Corelink network client-side to transmit and process high quality audio data.