Maria Sanmartin Puig

  • B.S. in Mechanical Engineering


Global Challenge: Data Science/AI/Robotics, Health, and Sustainability

I see myself going into the medical technology industry to improve health treatment and quality of life.


I am Maria, born and raised in Barcelona, and a passionate traveler. Currently, I am a Sophomore pursuing a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with a keen interest in the MedTech and Consulting industries.

At NYU, I actively engage in various organizations beyond the classroom. I am a member of the International Student Board Advisory helping provide unique experiences to international students at Tandon as Programming Coordinator. Additionally, I hold positions at the Office of Undergraduate Academics at Tandon and serve as a Teaching Assistant for the General Engineering Course. This year, I am privileged to be part of the Smart Microphysiological System for Precision Medicine VIP, focusing on engineering automatic and biomimetic microphysiological systems for precision medicine.

Driven by my passion for the development of medical devices, I previously interned at INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a pioneering startup working on graphene brain interfaces to decode brain signals. I drafted reports on the results of technology obtained after animal studies and contributed to primary research on Parkinson's disease.