UN Sustainability Goals
- Affordable and Clean Energy
Areas of Excellence
- Data Science/AI/Robotics
Global Challenge: Data Science/AI/Robotics and Affordable and Clean Energy
I am a rising sophomore at NYU Tandon. I study Applied Physics, and I hope to apply what I've learned to various industries, such as finance and sustainability. I grew up in an Ohio suburb, so coming to New York has been a large but welcome adjustment. I believe an interdisciplinary approach is necessary to tackle complex issues like sustainability. At Tandon, I currently participate in the VIP DTCC - The Future of Coding with AI, a VIP researching how AI can improve coding. I also spent the past summer researching plasma and quantum physics in Thyratrons through the UGSRP program.
I am also passionate about giving back to the community around me. I am the Undergraduate Representative for the NYU chapter of Design for America, an organization that focuses on socially conscious design projects. I currently intern for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), focusing on improving the internal tools that allow them to respond better to emergencies.