UN Sustainability Goals
- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Areas of Excellence
- Data Science/AI/Robotics
- Urban
Global Challenge: Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure
I am a sophomore here at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, studying Computer Engineering, hoping to learn more about robotics and embedded systems. I am a first-generation Armenian-American student, born and raised in southern California near Los Angeles, and I'm passionate about developing sustainable and human-friendly urban infrastructure, which is why I'm happy to be in New York!
Here at Tandon, I'm a Programming Coordinator for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), a webmaster for Theta Tau, and a member of the Rogue Aerospace Vertically Integrated Project (VIP). I am also employed as a Technical Assistant at the NYU MakerSpace, where I help students use machines and student resources to build their own personal projects and grow as engineers. All of my commitments and responsibilities allow me to learn more about the technical and hands-on aspects of my major, while also giving me the opportunity to work with others and build genuine connections and friendships.
Outside of school and work, I like video games, playing the piano and collecting vinyl records (mostly classic rock). I am the oldest of three children, and I enjoy taking care of my pets, a rabbit and a dog. I love hanging out in the MakerSpace, making projects, and learning more about New York!