Starting an Organization | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Starting an Organization

Fall 2024 New Club Applications

New club applications will be open from September 11-30. Before submitting an application, please thoroughly review the requirements listed below to ensure that your organization meets all of them. If you have any questions about the application or the requirements, please contact us at


Start a New Club

Creating a new club or organization is easy. As long as you meet the requirements, complete the required forms and meet the deadlines provided, you are on your way to creating your group! Below are a few requirements to have before you start:

  • At least four executive board members who are School of Engineering students
  • At least eight additional members who are the School of Engineering students
  • A faculty or staff advisor
  • A mission statement, organizational goals, and a programming outline
  • A constitution following the OSL&E Model Constitution

Applications are accepted for new student organizations during September via NYU Engage. Qualified applicants will be contacted after the deadline for an interview. Please note, space for new clubs is limited and not all applicants will be granted recognition.

All Student Clubs and Organizations need to abide by the policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Organization Handbook. Please read through the Student Organization Handbook before submitting the Club Recognition Application to the Office of Student Leadership & Engagement via NYU Engage. If approved, the club will then enter the Incubation Period.

Incubation Period

New clubs are accepted into the Incubation Period for the duration or time equivalent of one (1) semester and are eligible for the following:

  • Funding – Incubation Clubs will receive an initial allocation based on available funding at the time of recognition. In addition, Incubation Clubs may submit supplemental funding requests to their respective Student Council as outlined in Section 3 of this Handbook and in accordance with the Finance Committee guidelines.
  • Fundraising – Incubation Clubs must host one (1) fundraiser per semester.
    • The required fundraiser can be counted towards the two (2) event requirement.
    • If Incubation Clubs fail to be officially recognized at the end of their incubation period, any fundraised money will be incorporated into Student Council funding to be allocated to clubs requesting funding.
  • Events Incubation Clubs are required to host at least two (2) programs during their Incubation semester. It is encouraged that at least one of these events is a General Body Meeting.
  • On-Campus Space – Incubation Clubs may request any of the eligible spaces on campus per the Create Event Form on NYU Engage and following the guidelines in the Handbook.
  • Directory Listing – Incubation Clubs are eligible to receive a listing on the online clubs and organizations directory with the explicit caveat, “in incubation”.
  • Email Address, Locker, Banner, Purchasing Card – Incubation Clubs are not eligible for these items until completion of the incubation period and when all the terms of this period have been met.
  • OSL&E Advising Meetings – Incubation Clubs must meet with their appointed Staff Advisor (SA) on a bi-weekly basis to work through OSL&E processes and club goals.
    • At least four officers of Incubation Clubs must complete the Student Leader Orientation (SLO) training.