Kristen Day

  • Vice Provost, Professor of Technology Culture and Society


Kristen Day

My research and teaching explore issues of health and well being in urban environments, with a focus on social justice. Recent research examines the features of urban environments that are associated with physical activity for diverse populations, and also investigates the impacts of air pollution on daily life in rapidly growing cities in China.

Research Interests
Urban design and behavior Design and planning for physical activity Social justice in urban environments

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Ph.D. Architecture (Environment-Behavior Studies)

Journal Articles

Day, K. (2018). Physical environment correlates of physical activity in developing countries.  A systematic review, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15, 303-314.

Duncan, D.T., Méline, J., Kestens, J., Day, K., Elbel, B., Trasande, L., & Chaix, B. (2016). Walk score, transportation mode choice, and walking among French adults: A GPS, accelerometer, and mobility survey study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 611.

Day, K. (2016). Built environmental correlates of physical activity in China: A review, Preventive Medicine Reviews, 3, 303–316.

Day, K., Loh, L., Ruff, R., Rosenblum, R., Fischer, S. & Lee, K. (2015). Does bus rapid transit promote walking? An examination of New York City’s Select Bus Service, Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Alfonzo, M., Guo, Z., Lin, L. & Day, K. (2014). Walking, obesity and urban design in Chinese neighborhoods, Preventive Medicine.

Duncan, D. T., Regan, S. D., Shelley, D., Day, K., Ruff, R.R., Al-Bayan, M., & Elbel, B. (2014). Using Global Positioning Systems (GPS) methods to study the spatial contexts of obesity and hypertension risk among low-income housing residences in New York City: A feasibility study. Geospatial Health, 9(1), 57-70.

Day, K., Alfonzo, M., Chen, Y., Guo, Z. & Lee, K. (2013). Overweight, obesity, and inactivity and urban design in rapidly growing Chinese cities. Health & Place.

Day, K., Alfonzo, M., Guo, Z. & Lin, L. (2013). Design of tall buildings and tall building districts to promote physical activity in China. CTBUH Journal, 4, 18–25.

Boarnet, M.G., Forsyth, A., Day, K. & Oakes, J. M. (2011). The street level built environment and physical activity and walking: Results of a predictive validity study for the Irvine Minnesota Inventory. Environment & Behavior.

Garde, A., Saphores, J.D., Matthew, R. & Day, K. (2010). Sustainable neighbourhood development: Insights from Southern California, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37, 387–407.

Vidales, G., Day, K. & Powe, M. (2009). Police and immigration enforcement: Impacts on Latino(a) residents’ perceptions of police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 32 (4), 631–653.

Brownson, R.C., Hoehner, C.M., Day, K., Forsyth, A. & Sallis, J.F. (2009). Measuring the built environment for physical activity: State of the science, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 36 (4S), S99–S123.

Michael, Y., McGregor, E., Chaudhury, H., Day, K., Mahmood, A. & Sarte, A.F. (2009). Revising the Senior Walking Environmental Assessment Tool, Preventive Medicine, 48, 247–249.

Alfonzo, M., Boarnet, M., Day, K., McMillan, T., & Anderson, C. L. (2008). The relationship of neighborhood built environment features and walking, Journal of Urban Design, 13(1), 29–52.

Day, K., Anderson, C. L., Powe, M., McMillan, T., & Winn, D. (2007). Remaking Minnie Street: The impacts of urban revitalization on crime and pedestrian safety. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 26, 315–331.

Day, K., Boarnet, M., Alfonzo, M., & Forsyth, A. (2006). The Irvine–Minnesota Inventory to measure built environments. Development. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(2), 144–152.

Boarnet, M., Day, K., Alfonzo, M., Forsyth, A. & Oakes, M. (2006). The Irvine–Minnesota Inventory to measure built environments: Reliability tests. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 30(2), 153–159.

Day, K. (2006). Active living and social justice: Planning for physical activity in low income and black and Latino communities. Journal of American Planning Association, 76(1), 88–99.

McMillan, T.E., Day, K.M., Boarnet, M., Alfonzo, M., & Anderson, C. (2006). Johnny can walk to school, can Jane? Examining sex differences in children’s active travel to school. Children, Youth and Environment, 16(1), 75–89.

Day, K. (2006). Being feared: Masculinity and race in public space. Environment and Planning A, 38, 569–586.

Boarnet, M., Day, K., Anderson, C., McMillan, T., & Alfonzo, M. (2005). California's Safe Routes to School program: Impacts on walking, bicycling, and pedestrian safety. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(3), 301–317.

Boarnet, M., Anderson, C., Day, K., McMillan, T., & Alfonzo, M. (2005). Evaluation of the California Safe Routes to School legislation: Urban form changes and children’s active transportation to school. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 28(2S2), 134–140.

Day, K. (2003). New Urbanism and the challenges of designing for diversity. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 23(1), 83–95.

Day, K., Stump, C., & Carreon, D. (2003). Confrontation and loss of control: Masculinity and men’s fear in public space. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 311–322.


Authored/Edited Books

Cohen, U. & Day, K. (1993). Contemporary environments for people with dementia. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Other Publications

Recent book chapters:

Day, K., Becerra, V., Ruiz, V. L. & Powe, M. (2012). New ways of learning, knowing, and working: Diversifying graduate student career options through community engagement. In C. Cramer, C. Martin, A. Gilvin & G. Roberts (Eds.), Engaged scholarship. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Graduate School Press and Imagining America's PAGE Program.

Day, K. (2011). Feminist approaches to urban design. In T. Banerjee & A. Loukaitou-Sideris (Eds.), Urban design: Roots, influences, and trends. Companion to urban design. Routledge, UK.