Julian Togelius

  • Associate Professor


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I work on artificial intelligence and games. I research and develop methods for making games more fun, easier to design and develop, more adaptive, or just to enable games and interactive experiences that we cannot yet create. I'm interested in all kinds of games that people actually play: video games, board games, card games or mind games. When it comes to AI techniques I'm flexible and willing to engage with all kinds of methods, but my methodological roots are in evolutionary computation and neural networks.

Read more about my work with AI and gaming.

Research Interests
AI, player modelling, procedural content generation, automatic game design, believable bot behaviour, coevolution, neuroevolution, cybersecurity, emerging media, genetic programming and monte carlo tree search

University of Essex 2007
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science

University of Sussex 2003
Master of Science, Evolutionary and Adaptive Systems

Lund University 2002
Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy

Research News

May 8, 2024

April 17, 2024

Research Centers, Labs, and Groups