

UN Sustainability Goals

  • Good Health And Well-Being
  • Reduced Inequalities

Areas of Excellence

  • Data Science/AI/Robotics
  • Health

Global Challenge: Improved Health and Well-Being


Looking back on my college experience, GLASS has played a bigger role than I could have imagined. Getting ready to graduate is bittersweet, as I'm saying goodbye to some of the closest friendships I've ever had and looking forward to the beginning of a career I love. The opportunities for research, travel, professional development, access to conferences, support, and community have been invaluable. I have been so fortunate to have access to so many courses, materials, and equipment that have allowed me to explore what I am truly interested in. I applied to GLASS because I wanted to learn to be a socially responsible engineer and to find some way to make a difference. I have gotten the resources and support to do that in a way I couldn't have ever expected.


Gayatri Tyagi studied Computer Science at NYU Tandon with minors in Robotics and Mathematics. She graduated with her B.S. in Computer Science in May 2024 and will be starting as a software engineer on the Hugo Robotic-Assisted Surgery system at Medtronic in August!

Over her four years at NYU, Gayatri has worked on an undergraduate student team, in a research lab, in various teaching environments, in hackathons, and more! She has truly broadened her horizons, followed her passion for learning, and found new experiences. She is currently a teaching assistant for the Computer Architecture and Organization course and a robotics coach at Erasmus High School. Last summer, she had the opportunity to intern at Boeing on the Flight Test and Instrumentation team with the Data Systems team as a software engineering intern.

Over the last year, she has also been involved with the Break Through Tech AI program at Cornell Tech, through which she has taken a machine learning foundations course and worked on a machine learning project with a small company. She is currently working with a student team on a machine learning competition dealing with image classification.

The Professional Pursuits Award