Digital Transformation for Industrial Equipment Manufacturer | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Digital Transformation for Industrial Equipment Manufacturer


Industrial Equipment

Project Type:
Business Model/Process Improvement
Project Sponsor:

Industrial Equipment Supplier

Students helped with the digital transformation of an industrial equipment manufacturer. Their deliverables included a strategic roadmap for the manufacturer's Industry 4.0 ambitions, following a review of numerous opportunities for improvement: process efficiency improvement, new product development, improved speed-to-market, increased asset utilization, predictive models, decision-making improvement through prescriptive models, reduced changeover time, improved quality, improved logistics and supply chain management, increased employee safety.

The project recommended technology priorities and introduced a short list of potential technology partners. As a result, the manufacturer revised its business model with an even stronger emphasis on new technologies.

Keywords: Industrial, Manufacturing, Digital Transformation, Process Improvement, Product Development, Supply Chain