Data Insights for Democratizing Market Research Data | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Data Insights for Democratizing Market Research Data

Democratizing Data

Project Type:
Data Science/Business Analytics
Project Sponsor:

Media Company


Students worked with a firm specializing in Experiental Marketing. Their service to clients includes comprehensive WeKnow reports about trending topics like the Metaverse. Students surfaced insights from the data behind the reports, employing analytics such as text processing and clustering. For visualization, students built a Power BI dashboard along with customer personas. While students focused on the most recent Metaverse report, their process will apply to any WeKnow study. The pipeline will pull more information from the survey to provide understandable and reusable content for reporting. Additionally, students leveraged Brandwatch to provide additional data reflecting real-time views of the general population.

Keywords: Market Research, Dashboard, Surveys, Experiential Marketing, Metaverse, Virtual Reality