Ensure internal health and build the brand
We will strengthen the financial health and endowment of our school to fund our strategic goals. We will establish our brand and continue to vault through the rankings. We will build and maintain an excellent infrastructure of state-of-the-art facilities, mission-focused support and mission-driven people.

We will use transparent & data-driven decision making across all areas.
We will fully integrate CUSP into Tandon and investigate opportunities for partnerships and joint hires with other Tandon departments.
We will focus on strategic initiatives that ensure our financial and organizational health, including increasing our endowment, diversifying sources of income and bringing all departments to the same level of maturity and administrative support.
We will create a strategy for community relations and communications and will develop a comprehensive branding and marketing strategy.
We will continue to increase our rankings and will use a rankings committee to conduct a deep dive into ranking indicators and prioritize which indicators to focus on.