Defining Accessibility within XR (GY)
Innovate, explore, imagine, build and create accessible extended reality experiences that will truly be inclusive in their design

This project-based course will form research teams that innovate, explore, imagine, build and create accessible extended reality experiences that will truly be inclusive in their design. This project will cover accessibility in both the AR and VR space utilizing the Oculus Quest 2 and Snap Spectacles.
Our aim for this research:
- Explore how VR and AR can be accessible to people with disabilities across various locomotive abilities.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of accessibility options in AR/VR.
- Discover how to make improvements to AR/VR design and guides.
The team will research:
- current accessibility issues within AR and VR.
- explore and create accessible AR VR experiences.
- work collaboratively and multidisciplinary through the end-to-end process of thinking and developing for extended realities.
- meet and network with XR experts to brainstorm and produce innovative user experiences for AR VR.
- etc.
- Research
- Prototyping
- Software Design & Development
Majors and Areas of Interest
- Integrated Design Media
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Human-Computer Interaction
- All majors and students with interest in standardizing and redesigning accessible user experiences in XR, specifically Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Methods and Technologies
- User Experience Design
- User Research Design
- Human Spatial Computing
- Prototyping
- Design Thinking
- Virtual Reality/ Augmented Reality / Extended Reality Programs
- NYU Tandon School of Engineering
- NYU Ability Project
Primary Instructors
- Regine Gilbert (NYU Tandon)