Theo Frimpon-Manso
B.S. Computer Engineering

What inspired you to pursue a STEM-based degree? How did you discover your interest in the field?
Growing up, I was always surrounded by computers. My mom introduced me to computers when I was a child, and ever since then I fell in love with them. I have also competed in numerous math competitions, which I have won medals for, and have been recognized in elementary, middle and high school for it. And it was not until I watched a video on how computers work that I realized I wanted to create my own computer parts that goes beyond its function.
Who within STEM serves as an inspiration for you?
I always watched Youtube, and a Youtuber by the name of Linus Tech Tips was interesting to me. I watched his PC builds, and how he described the meaning and functionality of each part. I have watched him since 2020, and during the lockdown period, I have experimented with my gaming laptop, buying parts he recommended to upgrade them.
How would you describe your experiences as a Black and/or Latino student at the School of Engineering?
I would not say I feel left out, as I am friends with many Black and Latino students on campus. However, for my friends who are not, I feel like the connection is different, as they've had different experiences than me and different senses of humor. Therefore, I have not developed as close of a connection with them as with my Black and Latino friends.
What courses were challenging for you? How did those courses better prepare you for what’s ahead?
As a STEM student, I do not want to write much. So for the Expository Writing classes I take, I’ve had trouble adapting to the writing systems in college. However, this kind of prepares me for interviews and what to say.
What are your research/professional career goals?
I want to build computer parts that go beyond it’s functionality. For example I want to make upgradeable graphics cards where there are additional VRAM sticks or cards you can add to it.
As an underrepresented minority student, is there something that you recognize more now that you didn’t think of before attending Tandon?
Tandon is respective of all religions. In 2 MetroTech, there is a mosque where you can go and pray. And also clubs and organizations dedicated to underrepresented groups exist.
How important is it for incoming minority students to utilize their resources (i.e. professors, counselors, advisors, tutors, etc.)?
I believe that it is important because there are definitely questions on homework and exams that you don't understand, and were not covered in class, that require assistance. This not only keeps you on track, but can keep you ahead of the class.
What advice would you offer to Black and Latino men who are interested in the STEM field?
Don’t let your race limit your abilities. If you want something, go for it. The only thing that is stopping you is yourself.