What inspired you to pursue a STEM-based degree? How did you discover your interest in the field?
Coming from and growing up in an area that was lacking in technological advancement and development boosted my drive to pursue this field. I’ve always wanted to find a way to tie back to my roots and create a positive impact and STEM is a way to achieve that.
Who within STEM serves as an inspiration for you?
I don’t have any big names that are STEM, however, ever since I initiated my decision to pursue this path, the people I have met along the ones that inspire and motivate me to continue on this route.
How would you describe your experiences as a Black and/or Latino student at the School of Engineering?
I would say it comes with a lot of pressure because the expectations that my family, friends and people around me are all different. However, I have been able to meet so many people with diverse aspirations and goals. The School of Engineering is highly friendly.
What courses were challenging for you? How did those courses better prepare you for what’s ahead?
The courses that were challenging for me were my Intro to Programming course and any physics course, These courses disciplined me and opened my mind to new studying habits and techniques.
What are your research/professional career goals?
I aspire to become an electrical engineer whose expertise is in renewable energy, power and AI. I also dream of starting my own electrical contracting company back home in Ghana for the future.
As an underrepresented minority student, is there something that you recognize more now that you didn’t think of before attending Tandon?
I recognize how important minorities are to the STEM field. We always encourage ourselves to work and keep the foundation going.
How important is it for incoming minority students to utilize their resources (i.e. professors, counselors, advisors, tutors, etc.)?
It is highly important for incoming minority students to utilize all the resources provided. This is because most of these resources not only help with getting good grades or academic things, it also helps with the professional things too. These resources are a great way to network and meet people that can advise you and also teach you important aspects about the path you're taking.
What advice would you offer to Black and Latino men who are interested in the STEM field?
My advice would be to 1) do research on the path or major you are interested in, 2) always make connections with peers, professors, administrators and 3) always keep your head up because there are going times where it gets stressful and difficult.