Jip Kim is a doctoral candidate in Smart Energy Research Group (SEARCH) advised by Prof. Yury Dvorkin and an Ernst Weber Fellow at Department of Electrical & Computer Science, New York University. His research focuses on developing mathematical modeling and optimization algorithms to solve power system engineering and energy economics problems. He is now working on grid resilience and peer-to-peer energy trading at the distribution level.
During his MS at Electric Power Network Economics Laboratory (EPNEL) at Seoul National University, supervised by Profs. Jong-Keun Park and Yong Tae Yoon, he worked on a contract design and charging coordination of plug-in electric vehicles to enhance voltage security in distribution networks.
MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering, 2014
Seoul National University
BS in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2012
Yonsei University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Jip Kim, Seung Wan Kim, Young Gyu Jin, Jong-Keun Park, and Yong Tae Yoon, “Optimal coordinated management of a plug-in electric vehicle charging station under a flexible penalty contract for voltage security,” Energies, vol. 9, no. 7, p. 538, 2016.
- Seung Wan Kim, Jip Kim, Young Gyu Jin, and Yong Tae Yoon, “Optimal bidding strategy for renewable microgrid with active network management,” Energies, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 48, 2016.
- Seung Wan Kim, Michael G. Pollitt, Young Gyu Jin, Jip Kim, Yong Tae Yoon, “Contractual Framework for Devolution of System Balancing Responsibility from Transmission System Operator to Distribution System Operators”, Cambridge EPRG Working Paper Series 1715 / Cambridge Working Paper in Economics 1738, 2017.
Conference Proceedings
- Jip Kim and Yury Dvorkin, “Enhancing Distribution Resilience with Mobile Energy Storage: A Progressive Hedging Approach,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2018, Portland, Oregon (accepted for publication).
- Jip Kim and Seung Wan Kim, “A method for determining contract price of reactive power flow between main grid and microgrid with active network management,” Elsevier Energy Systems Conference 2016, London, UK.
- Seung Wan Kim, Jae Won Lee, Jip Kim, Young Gyu Jin, and Yong Tae Yoon, “Framework for Determining the Compensation Price for Output Curtailment of Distributed Generation within Active Distribution Network Management,” IEEE Asia Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2015, Brisbane, Australia.