Inês Figueira
Doctoral Track Student
Mechanical Engineering

Dissertation/Research Advisor: Maurizio Porfiri
Inês Figueira is currently a Ph.D. student in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering with a track in Urban Science at NYU Tandon School of Engineering, where she is a member of both the Dynamical Systems Laboratory and CUSP. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon (Lisbon School of Engineering) in 2023.
Her interests are focused on macro trends that have a significant impact on the space sector, especially in the global push for sustainability and smart cities. Inês aims to study complex urban systems and how they can benefit from space integrated models and observational data to optimize mapping processes and data collection.
During her undergraduate degree, Inês got familiar with the space industry by taking part in several research and development projects, engaging with major European stakeholders and strategic entities (such as ESA, EUSPA, and EMSA), where she gained skills in the construction of small satellites as well as in specific mission profiles for CubeSats following the framework of the New Space philosophy.