What inspired you to pursue a STEM-based degree? How did you discover your interest in the field?
The inspiration to pursue STEM came from the moments in my life where I discovered that I wanted to work with pieces and objects, figuring out what could be created with them. The courses I took in my high school career such as Engineering and Computer Science exposed me to what it’s like to work as an engineer. The class discussions about what an engineer is became a moment for me to continue aspiring towards the degree I pursue now: a B.S. in Computer Engineering.
Who within STEM serves as an inspiration for you?
My engineering teacher from high school was always enthusiastic when it came to learning about the different kinds of engineering in everyday life, and how the things around us were built from the ground up because of this. He inspires me to continue being curious and to always experiment when working on projects.
How would you describe your experiences as a Black and/or Latino student at the School of Engineering?
I really enjoy my experience as a Black and Latino student at the School of Engineering mostly because of the diverse and inclusive clubs on campus such as NSBE, SHPE, and MyBK@T. Being involved in these groups makes me feel as if I’m not underrepresented when it comes to engineering and brings a feeling of acceptance. I can always count on these spaces as important resources that can launch me toward success.
What courses were challenging for you? How did those courses better prepare you for what’s ahead?
Some courses that were challenging for me were the intro to Computer Science courses because I am a beginner student. These courses better prepared me for the things ahead such as the coding interviews and the important skills of software engineering.
What are your research/professional career goals?
My professional goal as a Computer Engineer is to work as a systems engineer at a tech company, work toward a product manager position, and aim to start a nonprofit organization that gives scholarships to underrepresented students wanting to study STEM. I want to utilize my skills in areas I enjoy to become a leader and a role model to other aspiring students in STEM.
As an underrepresented minority student, is there something that you recognize more now that you didn’t think of before attending Tandon?
Something I recognized more that I didn’t realize before attending Tandon was the amount of people willingly to support you in your success. When I felt like I was falling behind and needed extra help, I reached out to people such as my professors and peers, and they supported me to make sure I understood the areas I struggled in.
How important is it for incoming minority students to utilize their resources (i.e. professors, counselors, advisors, tutors, etc.)?
It’s extremely important to utilize the resources because there are people that you can always rely on within the four years of college or even after. When utilizing these resources, I found myself improving a lot more during my studies.
What advice would you offer to Black and Latino men who are interested in the STEM field?
Important things to know when studying in the STEM field is to always be open to connecting with those around you. The people you connect with can be allies that guide or direct you to many different opportunities and aid in your future success.