Ayla Kaghazchi
Advisor Development Summer Analyst @ Bank of America.

What will you be doing?
I'll be doing product, market, and client research in regards to financial advisory decisions. It's deeply intertwined with portfolio review, client engagement (it's a client-facing role), and managed solutions. They're also going to give me research projects focused on operations and sales.
Tell us about the job search. Was it more difficult or easier than you expected?
It was definitely harder than I anticipated in the sense that you have to learn how to handle rejection and pivot from those experiences to continue improving in your interviews. As a first-generation college student, I had no connections and no idea how this whole process worked/how many places I should apply to. I started applying in July, I applied to over 60 places, and I got my first offer at the end of October. Not to mention, customizing cover letters are essential but the most laborious task you could do. Overall, keeping my head high was the toughest thing, as well as balancing that with a full course load but it's so worth it.
What was the interview process like?
I first did a Hirevue, which is basically a virtual video interview that gets recorded and sent to their recruiters. You get on-the-spot timed questions and a certain amount of time to respond, usually you only get one try and they can ask any question, from a situational case to why you like their company to a recent headline that sparked your interest and why it did. If the recruiters think you're qualified and responses satisfy them, then they'll put you through to another set of interviews. I interviewed with two individuals back to back for 30 minutes each. One was more technical and the other one was more personality fit. I even called the interviewer the wrong name at the end!! Definitely really scared me but I felt confident and everything ended up working out.
Do you have any job search tips for fellow students?
Yes! Keep applying, keep reaching out, and learn from every interview. Keep a spreadsheet of every company you've applied to, as well as links to their application portals, and the date that you applied. Always email your interviewer after your interview and personalize the email to show what you gained from the experience. Always write a cover letter even when it's optional. Lastly, understand how to market yourself and your major to different positions and how to convey your true passions because more important than anything, they want someone who is teachable and passionate about what they're doing.
If you used job boards, which one(s) did you think was the most effective?
Google, AngelList
When did you first start the job search & how long did it take you to get an interview?
I started the internship search back in July of 2020, I applied to Bank of America on 09/24/2020 and got the offer on 11/04/2020.
Please select which method(s) led you to the job?
Traditional Method: Applying on Job Boards