Tell us about the job search. Was it more difficult or easier than you expected?
Long -- Yes
Difficult -- Yes
I started in the late summer while interning in DC. I would go to networking events, have lunches, and apply to any online posts I could find.
That carried over into my fall at NYU. Whenever there was a career fair, employer information session, or Q&A, I would always go. I was at a career-oriented event at least once a week, but usually two or more. The moment an invite was received I RSVP'd.
That's how I managed to get a slot with American Express's Coffee Chat that Tandon Career Services hosted.
What was the interview process like?
First there was a coffee-chat that was a casual conversation for the recruiting team to get to know me and vice-versa. Then, I submitted my resume through the appropriate channels. I was selected for a technical and behavioral interview.
Interview day, the behavioral one was mostly hypothetical scenarios regarding team-conflicts and ethics, how I work, and testing to see if I had read the job description and done my research on their business and ethos. The technical interview was something akin to a consulting case-style interview, testing data analysis and problem-finding/solving skills. The technical interview went over my recruiter's lunch time because we had gotten into a lot of what-if scenarios regarding unforeseen variables, other ways of interpreting data, etc. as well as how that would affect risk and bottom line performance.
A few days later I received my offer letter.
What will you be doing?
Credit & Fraud Risk Analyst for American Express in NYC
Do you have any job search tips for fellow students?
- Get comfortable with rejection, if you aren't already ;)
- Invest in your first impressions & social skills (attire, appearance, mannerisms, etc.)
- Due diligence is key; do your research
- Smile
- If Karine tells you to do something, do it