C2SMART Makes Impact at World’s Largest Transportation Conference

NYU Tandon professor and C2SMART deputy director Joseph Chow received the Council of University Transportation Centers' Cambridge Systematics New Faculty Award.
At the 2018 Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., one of the largest transportation conferences, the Connected Cities for Smart Mobility towards Accessible and Resilient Transportation (C2SMART) Center had a significant presence. Members and affiliates of C2SMART, a USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center, received awards, presented their research findings, and also hosted a reception alongside NYU Tandon’s Department of Civil and Urban Engineering, where attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the Center’s and Department’s recent work and continuing growth.

Kun Xie was honored by CUTC for his dissertation.
The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) honored NYU Tandon Assistant Professor Joseph Chow, C2SMART’s Deputy Director, and Kun Xie, a former doctoral student of C2SMART's Director Professor Kaan Ozbay, at the annual awards banquet. Chow received CUTC’s Cambridge Systematics New Faculty Award, given annually to a tenure-track faculty member who demonstrates excellence in classroom teaching and makes important contributions to research in the transportation field. CUTC recognized Xie and his dissertation titled “New Opportunities in Urban Safety Analytics Using Advanced Quantitative Methods and Big Data” with its Milton Pikarsky Memorial Award, which selects the best Ph.D. dissertation and Master’s thesis in the field of science and technology in transportation studies.

NYU Tandon doctoral candidate Jingqin Gao presents her research at C2SMART during the conference.
The Center’s reception featured a presentation on C2SMART’s mission and research areas, highlighting current projects and partnerships with public agencies and private companies. The event fostered new connections with transportation professionals and increased the Center’s visibility within the industry. C2SMART members, affiliates, and partners presided over and presented their research at more than 25 sessions during the conference.