Tell us in a few words what the summer job/internship consisted of?
I supported the skin damage prevention and repair efforts for Boeing 777 in the Final Body Join and Final Assembly through data analysis. I led a team of four Production Engineers (PE) to identify mitigation plans for areas with high defect occurrence and to present project results to PE managers and the Core Team. We identified root causes for defects to five concentrated area and created three long term and short- term preventative plans aimed at reducing skin damage.
What was your favorite part?
Though the internship was virtual, it was a really good learning experience about how airplanes are built! I got to see what the aero industry is doing in preparation for the post-Covid market as well as the innovative stuff that Boeing's working on.
Did you receive a return offer?
Was the summer job/internship/research paid?
Tell us in a few words what the summer job/internship consisted of?
I supported the skin damage prevention and repair efforts for Boeing 777 in the Final Body Join and Final Assembly through data analysis. I led a team of four Production Engineers (PE) to identify mitigation plans for areas with high defect occurrence and to present project results to PE managers and the Core Team. We identified root causes for defects to five concentrated area and created three long term and short- term preventative plans aimed at reducing skin damage.
What was your favorite part?
Though the internship was virtual, it was a really good learning experience about how airplanes are built! I got to see what the aero industry is doing in preparation for the post-Covid market as well as the innovative stuff that Boeing's working on.
Did you receive a return offer?
Was the summer job/internship/research paid?