Ananya Misra
Intern @ NYU IT

Tell us in a few words what the summer job/internship consisted of?
• Developed the automation process to manage PCI DSS, NYS DFS 500, and HIPAA compliance controls and remediation plans through the GRC tool (RSAM) to accommodate NYU annual compliance attestation.
• Functioned as the topic matter expert within the GRC Maturity Plan program by designing RSAM modules architecture to attain CISO’s strategic goals, secure NYU GRC data, and develop a stronger cybersecurity program.
• Implemented a Security Awareness Program to reinforce NYU IT staff’s security awareness and knowledge.
What was your favorite part?
My favorite part was providing consulting service to IT risk assessment for third-party applications by employing risk assessment frameworks and assisting within the risk assessment renovation process.
Did you receive a return offer?
Don't know yet
Was the summer job/internship/research paid?