Organizations Directory | NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Organizations Directory

We offer a variety of organization types, insuring that students can find something that suits their personalities and interests. Our clubs focus on technology, culture, communications, and social life. We also offer graduate organizations, campus ministries, and fraternities and sororities.

See below for a list of our clubs and information. You can also find more information through NYU Engage.

Alpha Omega Epsilon (AOE)

Alpha Omega Epsilon is a professional and social Sorority founded in 1983 that promotes friendship, leadership, and professionalism to all members of the organization, community, and our professions.

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Club Advisor: Tara Lao

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American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

The purpose of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) student chapter at The NYU Tandon School of Engineering (School of Engineering) is to serve as the primary communication medium between the academic chemical engineering community at the School of Engineering and the global chemical engineering community abroad.

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Club Advisor: Rastislav Levicky

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American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

The student chapter of the ASCE provides students studying civil engineering with activities such as field trips, guest speakers, and annual conferences. Through these activities, future CE professionals are given the opportunity to experience the practical application of their studies, meet practicing professional engineers as well as students from other schools.

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Club Advisor: Jose Ulerio

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American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

The student chapter of the ASME provides students studying mechanical engineering with activities such as field trips, guest speakers and annual conferences in efforts of supplementing the academic experience with practical knowledge.

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Club Advisor: Nicholas DiZinno

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Applied Urban Science Association (AUSA)

The Applied Urban Science Association (AUSA) is an association of graduate students at NYU’s Center for Urban Science and Progress who are committed to advancing the fields of urban science, data-driven city management and urban analytics.

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Club Advisor: Peter Huu Tran

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Association of Computing Machinery - Women (ACM-W)

ACM-W supports, celebrates, and advocates internationally for the full engagement of women in all aspects of the computing field, providing a wide range of programs and services to ACM members and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.

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Club Advisor: Linda Sellie

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BioMedical Engineering Society (BMES)

The mission of the Biomedical Engineering Society is to build and support the biomedical engineering community at NYU, with activities designed to communicate recent advances, discoveries, and inventions; promote education and professional development; and integrate the perspectives of the academic, medical, governmental, and business sectors.

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Faculty Advisor: Weiqiang Chen and Irene de Lazaro

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Business & Finance Group (BFG)

The Business & Finance Club at NYU is dedicated to empowering the NYU Tandon student body with comprehensive financial education and a robust professional mentorship program. By fostering a vibrant learning community, we aim to bridge the gap between academic pursuits and real-world financial challenges. Our commitment extends beyond the classroom, as we actively facilitate meaningful connections between students, faculty, alumni, and industry professionals. In doing so, we not only prepare our members for a future in finance but also ensure they are well-equipped to navigate and excel in related industries.

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Faculty Advisor: Michael D'Emic

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Chemists Club

The Chemists' Club strives to bridge the gap between academia and industry in the chemistry and chemical engineering field.

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Club Advisor: Rastislav Levicky

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Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA)

Our mission is to unite the Chinese students, serve the local Chinese community on behalf of NYU and promote the communication and dialogue between China and US.

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Club Advisor: Shizhu Liu

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Construction Managers Association of America (CMAA)

The student chapter of CMAA offers both Civil Engineering and Construction Management students with activities and competitions including field trips, guest speakers, conferences and the Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) competition. By developing skills as young professionals, students will be adequately prepared for their career after their education.

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Club Advisor: Lawrence Chiarelli

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Cyber Security Club (CSC)

Cyber Security Club (CSC) is a weekly seminar where the OSIRIS lab invites industry professionals to present on interesting topics related to their field of work. CSC provides an excellent view on what work in the cyber security industry looks like from the inside that caters to people of all skill levels.

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Club Advisor: Brendan Dolan-Gavitt

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Design for America at NYU

DFA NYU is a student club open to both undergraduate and graduate students from all NYU schools. Its members use human-centered design to tackle social issues locally and globally and to develop solutions that have social impact. DFA NYU's mission is to connect students from different schools and develop a community of socially mindful change makers.

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Club Advisor: Graham Dove

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Girls Who Code (GWC)

Girls Who Code (GWC) is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology and computer science. Their mission is to inspire more girls to become computer scientists and engineers. The purpose of our club specifically targets college aged women, and helps them assimilate into the tech field later in life. We want to do this by holding programming that supports their endeavors academically and professionally.

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Club Advisor: Nicole Johnson

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Graduate Indian Students Association (GISA)

The main mission of our organization is to foster understanding about India and her culture among the NYU.Poly community at large, to provide an avenue to bridge the social gap among the graduate students here at Polytechnic, in order to enhance the diversity and to provide a helping hand to the new incoming students in getting oriented to the United States of America.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Nikhil Gupta

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Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional association. The main goal of the IEEE student branch is to help IEEE fulfill it's vision of "Advancing Technology for Humanity" by offering workshops, competitions, and hands-on projects that are relevant to electrical and computer engineering to the student body at the School of Engineering and NYU.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Matthew Campisi

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Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)

The mission of the organization shall be to support academic and professional development and improve the educational experience of the student community in collaboration with the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers, the world’s largest professional society through workshops, competitions, and events relevant to industrial engineering. Our goal is to create an open environment where young professionals can exchange ideas on career planning, leadership opportunities, and knowledge advancement. The NYU IISE Student Chapter offers many fantastic learning opportunities and guidance on building a solid professional network. We will host several workshops, training sessions, and other fun events throughout the upcoming semesters.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Thomas Mazzone and David Souku

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Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE)

To acquaint students with topics of interest in transportation and traffic engineering through the medium of competent speakers and of Chapter-sponsored trips; to foster the development of professional spirit, to promote common interests among students and to encourage the enhancement and optimization of facilities for transportation and traffic engineering study.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Daniel Vignon

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National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)

To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers, who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Jose Ulerio

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To know Christ and to make Christ known while helping our community to find spiritual direction.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: David Mugglin

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New York Machine Learning Club (NYMLC)

The New York Machine Learning Club creates, through collaboration and mentorship, an environment where members can develop practical knowledge of data science and machine learning techniques.

Club email:

Club Advisor: Linda Sellie

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New York Water Environment Association (NYWEA)

The NYWEA student club strives to promote student interest in the environment; provide the opportunity for the exchange of information and ideas between students, professors and professionals; provided a common ground where students from various disciplines related to the environment can express their understanding through and organized exchange of knowledge.

Club email:

Club Advisor: Anne Ronan

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out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (oSTEM)

The purpose of oSTEM at NYU is to foster a campus and community environment that is safe, supportive, and informative to all students regardless of physical gender, perceived gender, sexual orientation, or any other physical or physiological attribute; As well as challenge negative stigmas against the LGBTQA community. In addition club will also offer support services and information to the NYU student body, specifically those members that identify as LGBT. The club will focus on providing information about LGBT issues in STEM related fields as well as general information.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Peter Li

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Patent Pending

The mission of Patent Pending is to provide members of the club the opportunity to innovate and engineer with the assistance of faculty, industry, and fellow members. The club will create an environment that nurtures creativity while teaching technical skills, management, and leadership. We invent stuff, and then we build it.

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Michael Knox

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Poly Anime Society (PAS)

The Polytechnic Anime Society promotes an environment that heightens awareness and appreciation of Japanese culture and entertainment, provides a safe and healthy environment for students to emet together about things that they love to do or enjoy, and develops student leaders and fosters a sense of community. Throughout the year, PAS hosts anime showings and workshops dedicated to raising awareness of the Japanese Culture. Every year, PAS hosts the biggest event on campus called SpringFestNY. SpringFestNY is open to everyone including students and outside people. This one day mini-anime convention last year brought in about 1000 people from the tri-state area. We are planning on expanding SpringFestNY in the upcoming years. Email us for more information on how to help out with SpringFestNY.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Stephen Zeng

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Robotics Club at New York University

Robotics Club's mission is to create a relaxed learning environment that encourages students to learn from one another. Our members build projects together and create a better community though the sharing of knowledge.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Chris DiMauro

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Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

SHRM is an affiliate of the national Society for Human Resource Management chapter, and it exists to help the students of School of Engineering students to develop professionally and train them in the required areas to excel in their job.

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Harold G Kaufman

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Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process Engineering (SAMPE)

As an international professional society, SAMPE provides information on new materials and processing technology via technical forums, journal publications, and books in which professionals in the field can exchange ideas and their views. As the only technical society encompassing all fields of endeavor in materials and processes, SAMPE provides a unique and valuable forum for scientists, engineers, and academicians. Surprisingly, for a wide-spread professional organization like SAMPE, there are no chapters in New York City, where the growth for engineering needs is increasing. SAMPE has initiated its first ever chapter in New York City as a student chapter here at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and YOU are invited to be part of it. By joining SAMPE at NYU you will have opportunities to learn more about the field of material science, partake in student competitions, such as the bridge building competition, and meet local industry professionals. For more information about our regional chapter sponsor go to

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Rastislav Levicky

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Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers (SASE)

SASE at NYU Tandon School of Engineering aims to equip members with the skill set to succeed in professional environments by providing networking opportunities, conferences, and professional and personal development workshops. Events are also conducted in settings that enable diversity and service to local communities

Club email:

Club Advisor: Kee Park

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Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)

SHPE changes lives by empowering the Hispanic community to realize their fullest potential and impacts the world through STEM awareness, access, support and development.

Contact Email:

Club Advisers: Jose Ulerio

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Society of Women Engineers (SWE)

The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a not-for-profit educational and service organization that empowers women to succeed and advance in the field of engineering, and to be recognized for their life-changing contributions as engineers and leaders. Founded in 1950, SWE is the driving force that establishes engineering as a highly desirable career for women through an exciting array of training and development programs, networking opportunities, scholarships, outreach and advocacy activities.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Elizabeth (Liz) New

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Space Exploration Society at NYU (SES)

The central mission of SES @ NYU is to bring together students who are interested in space, rocketry, space law and business, space technology, and anything else that has to do with exploring the final frontier. Our goal is to not only stimulate existing interest, but to also inspire newcomers to join in mankind’s drive for discovery in the universe.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Nicholas DiZinno

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STEMinist's mission is to empower students to combat sexism in all forms, both within STEM fields and everyday life. STEMinist works to foster a safe space on campus through intersectioinal feminist activism that is informative and supportive. This club is social justice oriented, and is welcoming to all identities, including queer, trans* and non-binary students.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Melissa Maldonado-Salcedo

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Tandon Consulting Club (TCC)

The Tandon Consulting Club is a dynamic and student-driven organization committed to offering a unique and enriching experience to NYU Tandon students.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Thomas Mazzone

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 Tandon Muslim Students Association (MSA)

The Muslim Students Assocation is dedicated to providing the School of Engineering students the opportunity to come together in a Muslim environment with the goal of learning about Islam, its faith, and its practices. All students and community members are welcome to MSA activities and events.

Contact email:

Club Advisor: Khalid Latif

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 Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi or TBP is the oldest engineering honor society in the US. TBP honors students who have shown great academic achievements as well as personal and professional integrity. NYU SOE (NY Rho) chapter of TBP will hold events open to all NYU students to enhance soft skills and professional development, gain career insights and encourage academic excellence!

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Richard Thorsen

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Theta Tau

The Theta Tau Colony at NYU's focus is the same as the National Organization's: to develop Engineering Leaders for Service, Profession, and Brotherhood. This co-ed Fraternity is the first of its kind, the largest of its kind, and the only of its kind at the School of Engineering. We are seeking people seek to develop themselves into LEADERS. To become game-changers of the School of Engineering and beyond its doors. Engineers are known throughout the world as creators. We are a fraternity of creators.

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Dzung Dinh Luong

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The Gaming Collective @ NYU

We are NYU's gaming club! Despite being based in Brooklyn, we invite any and all NYU members to come hang out and play in a variety of different games. Our mission is to create and foster a local gaming community for NYU students to both casually participate, compete in, and engage with. We organize a variety of online and offline events including tournaments, social hangouts, and casual game appreciation events. You are welcome to join no matter your skill level or favorite game. With over 850 club members, we are the largest student organization at Tandon! We encourage all those with a love or passion in games to join!

Club email:

Club Advisor: Jim Lewis

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Women in Business and Entrepreneurship

WIBE is an active and inclusive club at the School of Engineering that cultivates a web of invaluable connections among the women in Tandon. The mission of the organization is to provide the opportunities and tools required to empower women in the innovative, fast-paced industries that they choose to pursue.

Contact Email:

Club Advisor: Michael Driscoll

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Undergraduate & Graduate Student Councils

The School of Engineering Student Councils are elected by students of the School of Engineering to serve as their primary representatives, advocates, and liaisons to the entire student community. The Student Councils are charged with:

  • Serving as the officially designated representative of the student bodies and to advocate to the administration and corporation (Board of Trustees) on behalf of the student bodies and, when requested, provide student representatives to committees
  • Coordinating major campus events in coordination with the Division of Student Affairs and enhance the educational mission of the School of Engineering by providing social, cultural, educational, and developmental programs, events and services
  • Gathering and expressing student opinions on how to improve student life and campus activities
  • Ensuring that students are fully apprised of all information dealing with the impact to their experience
  • Responsibly and equitably distributing student activity fees and student organization funding
  • Working with other student groups to program college-wide events designed to foster cohesiveness within the accordingly student populations (undergraduate/graduate)
  • Assuring that all events, programs and services offered by student clubs, organizations, societies, and other groups are open to all members of the School of Engineering community regardless of race, sex, religion, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation, or age except as permitted by law
  • Protecting the rights and responsibilities of the student bodies and to work with other members of the School of Engineering community to maintain and improve the quality of education and social experience received at the School of Engineering

Undergraduate Student Council

Contact email:

Council Advisor: Brittney Bahlman, Director, Student Leadership & Engagement

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Graduate Student Council

Contact email:

Council Advisor: Sa'Haara Bryant, Assistant Director, Graduate Student Engagement

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Please email with any questions or updates regarding the Clubs and Orgs Directory listings.