Thanasis Korakis
Research Assistant Professor

Thanasis Korakis was born on December 4, 1972 in Ioannina, Greece. He obtained the Bachelor and the M.S. degree in Informatics and Telecommunications from the University of Athens, Greece, in 1994 and 1997 respectively. He obtained the Ph.D. degree in Computer and Communication Engineering from the University of Thessaly, Greece in 2005, under the supervision of Professor Leandros Tassiulas. In the summer of 2004 he was a visiting researcher at the Computer Science & Engineering Department at the University of California, Riverside. From 2005 to 2006 he was a Research Scientist associated with the New York State Center for Advanced Technologies in Telecommunications (CATT).
Dr. Korakis is currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the NYU Tandon School of Engineering. He is also affiliated with CATT at NYU Tandon. His research interests are in the field of wireless networks with emphasis on access layer protocols, cooperative networks, directional antennas, quality of service provisioning and network management. He leads the Wireless Implementation Testbed Laboratory (Witest Lab) of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NYU Tandon.
Dr. Korakis follows the standardization activities for 802.11 and 802.16 very closely. Since March 2007, he is a voting member of the IEEE 802.16 standardization group as well as a regular participant in the meetings held. He is the Finance Chair for ITW 2009. He served as a Publication Chair for WiOpt 2007 and as a member of the Technical Program Committee for ICC 2008, WCNC 2008 and SECON 2008. He was awarded the Ericsson Award of Excellence in Telecommunications for work related to his Ph.D. in 2006.
University of Athens, Greece
Bachelor of Technology, Informatics
University of Athens, Greece
Master of Science, Data Networks and Telecommunications
Univeristy of Thessaly, Greece
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer & Communication Engineering
Journal Articles
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, "Layered Wireless Video Multicast Using Relays", under review
- F. Verde, T. Korakis, E. Erkip, A. Scaglione, "A Simple Recruitment Scheme of Multiple Nodes for Cooperative MAC", under review
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang, S. Panwar, "Dynamic Rate and FEC Adaptation for Video Multicast in Multi-rate Wireless Networks", ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Advances In Wireless Testbeds and Research Infrastructures, ISSN 1383-469X (Print) 1572-8153 (Online), doi: 10.1007/s11036-009-0202-5, volume August 2009
- G. Athanasiou, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "A 802.11k Compliant Framework for Cooperative Handoff in Wireless Mesh Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article ID 350643, 14 pages, doi: 10.1155/2009/350643, volume 2009
- T. Korakis, Z. Tao, S. Singh, P. Liu, S. Panwar, "Implementation of a Cooperative MAC Protocol: Performance and challenges in real environment", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Article ID 598140, 19 pages, doi:10.1155/2009/598140, volume 2009
- T. Korakis, M. Knox, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, "Cooperative Network Implementation Using Open Source Platforms", IEEE Communications Magazine, Volume: 47, Issue: 2, page(s): 134-141, ISSN: 0163-6804, February 2009
- G. Athanasiou, T. Korakis, O. Ercetin and L. Tassiulas, "A Cross-Layer Framework for Association Control in Wireless Mesh Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 8, No. 1, January 2009.
- T. Korakis, G. Jakllari, L. Tassiulas, "CDR-MAC: A Protocol for Full Exploitation of Directional Antennas in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 7, No. 2, February 2008.
- P. Liu, Z. Tao, S. Narayanan, T. Korakis and S. Panwar, "A Cooperative MAC protocol for Wireless LANs", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Cooperative Communications and Networking, Volume 25, No. 2, February 2007
- T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "Providing Quality of Service Guarantees in Wireless LANs compliant with 802.11e", Computer Networks, Volume 47, Issue 2, February 2005. (Reported in the top 25 most downloaded articles of the Computer Networks journal in the third quarter of 2005).
Authored/Edited Books
- Z. Tao, T. Korakis, S. Panwar, L. Tassiulas, "Multimedia QoS Support in IEEE 802.11 Standards - An Evolutionary Perspective", Chapter 8 in the Book "Broadband Mobile Multimedia: Techniques and Applications", Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, 2008.
Other Publications
- F. Liu, J. Lin, Z. Tao, T. Korakis, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, "The Hidden Cost of Hidden Terminals", under review.
- D. Sirivelis, A. Anadiotis, A. Apostolaras, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, “TLQAP : A Topology and Link Quality Assessment Protocol For Efficient Node Allocation on Wireless Testbeds”, proceedings of WINTECH 2009, Beijing, China, Sept 2009.
- C. Nie, P. Liu, T. Korakis, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, "CoopMAX: A Cooperative MAC with Randomized Distributed Space-Time Coding for an IEEE 802.16 Network", proceedings of ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- G. Athanasiou, I. Broustis, T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "Routing-Aware Channel Selection in Multi-Radio Mesh Networks", proceedings of ICC 2009, Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
- O. Alay, C. Li, A. Rai, T. Korakis, Y. Wang, S. Panwar, "Dynamic Rate and FEC Adaptation for Video Multicast in Multi-rate Wireless Networks", proceedings of Tridentcom 2009, Washington DC, USA, April 2009.
- O. Alay, Z. Xu, T. Korakis, Y. Wang and S. Panwar, "Implementing a Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless Video Multicast", proceedings of WCNC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, April 2009.
- S. Ye, T. Korakis and S. Panwar "CSMAC: A New Centralized Scheduling-based MAC Protocol for Wireless LAN", proceedings of WCNC 2009, Budapest, Hungary, April 2009.
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang and S. Panwar, "Is Physical Layer Error Correction sufficient for Video Multicast over IEEE 802.11g Networks?", proceeding of IEEE CCNC 2009, Special Session on Wireless Technologies for High-Speed Video/Audio/Gaming Entertainment Networks, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2009.
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang and S. Panwar, "An Experimental Study of Packet Loss and Forward Error Correction in Video Multicast over IEEE 802.11b Network", proceeding of IEEE CCNC 2009, Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2009.
- P. Liu, Y. Liu, T. Korakis, A. Scaglione, E. Erkip and S. Panwar, "Cooperative MAC for Rate Adaptive Randomized Distributed Space-time Coding", proceeding of IEEE GLOBECOM 2008, New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2008.
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang, S. Panwar, "Layered Wireless Video Multicast using Directional Relays", proceeding of IEEE ICIP 2008, San Diego, CA, USA, October 2008.
- P. Liu, C. Nie, T. Korakis, S. Panwar, "A Cooperative MAC for Distributed Space-Time Coding in an IEEE 802.16 Network", Proceedings of BROADNETS 2008 - CONET 2008 workshop, London, UK, September 2008, (invited paper).
- G. Athanasiou, I. Broustis, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Routing-Aware Channel Selection in Multi-Radio Mesh Networks", Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2008, Cannes, France, September 2008, (invited paper).
- G. Athanasiou, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "Cooperative Handoff in Wireless Networks", Proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2008 - SocialNets 2008 workshop, Cannes, France, September 2008.
- A. Sharma, V. Gelara, S. Singh, T. Korakis, P. Liu, S. Panwar, "Implementation of a Cooperative MAC Protocol using a Software Defined Radio Platform", Proceedings of IEEE LANMAN 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2008.
- K. Houmas, T. Korakis and L. Tassiulas, "A new Prioritization Scheme for QoS provisioning in 802.11 Wireless Networks", Proceedings of IEEE LANMAN 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, September 2008, (invited paper).
- F. Verde, T. Korakis, E. Erkip, A. Scaglione, "On Avoiding Collisions and Promoting Cooperation: Catching two Birds with one Stone", Proceedings of IEEE SPAWC 2008, Recife, Brazil, July 2008.
- K. Sinkar, A. Jagirdar, T. Korakis, H. Liu, S. Mathur, S. Panwar, "Data Recovery in Heterogeneous Networks Using Peer’s Cooperative Networking", Proceedings of IEEE Secon 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2008.
- Z. Tao, T. Korakis, F. Liu, S. Panwar, J. Zhang, L. Tassiulas, "Cooperation and Directionality: Friends or Foes?", Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China, May 2008.
- C. Nie, T. Korakis, S. Panwar, "A Multi-hop Polling Service with Bandwidth Request Aggregation in IEEE 802.16j Networks", Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2008, Marina Bay, Singapore, May 2008.
- S. Makda, A. Choudhary, N. Raman, T. Korakis, Z. Tao, S. Panwar, "Security Implications of Cooperative Communications in Wireless Networks", Proceedings of IEEE Sarnoff 2008, Princeton, NJ, USA, April 2008.
- O. Alay, T. Korakis, Y. Wang, E. Erkip, S. Panwar, "Layered Wireless Video Multicast using Omni-directional Relays", Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA, April 2008.
- F. Liu, T. Korakis, Z. Tao, S. Panwar, "A MAC-PHY Cross-Layer Protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks", Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA, March 2008.
- T. Korakis, Z. Tao, S. Makda, B. Gitelman, S. Panwar, "To Serve is to Receive – Implications of Cooperation in a Real Environment", Proceedings of Networking 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, May 2007.
- G. Athanasiou, T. Korakis, O. Ercetin, L. Tassiulas, "Dynamic Cross-Layer Association in 802.11-based Mesh Networks", Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2007.
- Z. Tao, T. Korakis, Y. Slutskiy, S. Panwar, L. Tassiulas, "Cooperation and Directionality: A Co-opdirectional MAC for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of WiOpt 2007, Limassol, Cyprus, April 2007.
- T. Korakis, Z. Tao, Y. Slutskiy, S. Panwar, "A Cooperative MAC protocol for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks", Proceedings of IEEE PERCOM 2007, Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Networking (PWN ’07), White Plains, NY, USA, March 2007, (invited paper).
- T. Korakis, S. Narayanan, A. Bagri, S. Panwar, "Implementing a Cooperative MAC Protocol for Wireless LANs", Proceedings of the IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2006.
- G. Jakllari, I. Broustis, T. Korakis, S. Krishnamurthy, L. Tassiulas, "Handling Asymmetry in Gain in Directional Antenna Equipped Ad Hoc Networks", Proceedings of the IEEE PIMRC 2005, Berlin, Germany, September 2005.
- T. Korakis, O. Ercetin, S. Krishnamurthy, L. Tassiulas, S. Tripathi, "Link Quality based Association Mechanism in IEEE 802.11h compliant Wireless LANs", Proceedings of the RAWNET 2005, Trentino, Italy, April 2005.
- T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "D-PCF: A MAC protocol for exploitation of directional antennas in 802.11 infrastructure wireless networks", Proceedings of the Allerton Conference 2004, Allerton, IL, USA, September 2004, (invited paper).
- T. Korakis, G. Jakllari, L. Tassiulas, "A MAC protocol for full exploitation of Directional Antennas in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks", Proceedings of the ACM MobiHoc 2003, Annapolis, MD, USA, June 2003.
- T. Korakis, L. Tassiulas, "An approach towards QoS provisioning in wireless LAN complying to the 802.11e framework", Proceedings of the 12th IEEE LANMAN 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, August 2002.
- N. Passas, T. Korakis, E. Zervas and L. Merakos, "Improving Traffic Scheduling in Wireless ATM Networks", Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 1998, Athens, Greece, June-July 1998.