Shivendra Panwar
Director of Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT)

Shivendra S. Panwar is a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering and Director of the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Telecommunications (CATT). He received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, in 1981, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1983 and 1986, respectively.
He joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of New York, Brooklyn (now Tandon School of Engineering, New York University). He is a co-founder of the NY City Media Lab. He is a member of NYU Wireless. He spent the summer of 1987 as a Visiting Scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, and has been a consultant to AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ. His research interests include the performance analysis and design of networks. Current work includes cooperative wireless networks, switch performance and multimedia transport over networks.
He has served as the Secretary of the Technical Affairs Council of the IEEE Communications Society. He is a co-editor of two books, Network Management and Control, Vol. II, and Multimedia Communications and Video Coding, both published by Plenum. He has also co-authored TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab based Approach, published by the Cambridge University Press. He was awarded, along with Shiwen Mao, Shunan Lin and Yao Wang, the IEEE Communication Society's Leonard G. Abraham Prize in the Field of Communication Systems for 2004. He won, along with Zhengye Liu, Yanming Shen, Keith Ross, and Yao Wang, the IEEE Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award for 2011. He is also a co-winner of a Best Paper Award from IEEE's International Communications Conference (ICC) 2016. He has also won the Sony Research Award for 2016 and 2017. He is an IEEE Fellow and a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
University of Massachusetts, 1986
Doctor of Philosophy, Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Massachusetts, 1983
Master of Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, 1981
Bachelor of Technology, Electrical Engineering
AT&T Bell Labs
Visiting Scientist
From: June 1989 to August 1989
IBM Research
Visiting Scientist
From: June 1987 to August 1987
Journal Articles
- CoopMAC: A cooperative MAC for wireless LANs, P Liu, Z Tao, S Narayanan, T Korakis, SS Panwar, Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 25 (2), 340-354
- Connectivity properties of a packet radio network model, TK Philips, SS Panwar, AN Tantawi, Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on 35 (5), 1044-1047
- Video transport over ad hoc networks: Multistream coding with multipath transport, S Mao, S Lin, SS Panwar, Y Wang, E Celebi, Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on 21 (10), 1721-1737
- Cooperative wireless communications: A cross-layer approach, P Liu, Z Tao, Z Lin, E Erkip, S Panwar, Wireless Communications, IEEE 13 (4), 84-92
- S S Panwar, D Towsley and J K Wolf, Optimal Scheduling Policies for a Class of Queues with Customer Deadlines to the Beginning of Service, Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol.35, pp.832-844, October 1988.
- On the performance of a dual round-robin switch, Y Li, S Panwar, HJ Chao, INFOCOM 2001. Twentieth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communication Societies.
For more publications, please check here:
Authored/Edited Books
TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach
Shivendra S. Panwar, Shiwen Mao, Jeong-dong Ryoo, Yihan Li
Cambridge University Press, 2004 (Chinese Edition also available)
Multimedia Communications and Video Coding (The Language of Science)
edited by Henry Bertoni, Seung-Pil Kim, Shivendra S. Panwar, Yao Wang
Plenum Publishing Co., 1996
Chapter on Data Networks (invited), in the
Electronic Engineers' Handbook
edited by D. Christiansen, Fourth Edition
McGraw Hill, Inc.
Network Management and Control, Vol. 2
edited by Ivan Frisch, Manu Malek, Shivendra S.Panwar
Springer Science+Business Media, 1994
- IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize, 2004
- IEEE Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award, 2011
- Best Paper Award, IEEE ICC 2016
- IEEE Fellow, 2011
- Sony Research Award, 2016 and 2017
- 2020 NYU Tandon Excellence in Research Award (Inaugural Award)
- 2020 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Distinguished Services Award
- National Academy of Inventors Fellow, 2022
Selected Patents:
US Patent 6,515,965
Available bit rate flow control for service allocation in a packet network
US Patent 7,046,733
Data sequencing method to improve transmission of self-similar data in a multi-node network
US Patent 7,203,202
Arbitration using dual round robin matching with exhaustive service of winning virtual output queue
US Patent 7,330,457
Cooperative wireless communications
US Patent 7,633,887
On demand peer-to-peer video streaming with multiple description coding
US Patent 7,852,866
Low complexity scheduling algorithm for a buffered crossbar switch with 100% throughput
US Patent 7,986,637
On demand peer-to-peer video streaming with multiple description coding
US Patent 8,094,634
Sender and/or helper node modifications to enable security features in cooperative wireless communications
US Patent 8,175,003
Cooperative wireless communications
US Patent 8,179,848
Video multicast using relay devices defined by a channel quality parameter hierarchy
US Patent 8,228,836
Cooperative MAC for rate adaptive randomized distributed space-time coding
US Patent 8,290,037
Feedback assisted transmission of multiple description, forward error correction coded, streams in a peer-to-peer video system
US Patent 8,315,521
Peer-to-peer voice over internet protocol
- ECE-GY 5363 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EL-GY 5373 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EL-GY 6373 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EL-GY 7353 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EL-GY 9383 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EL-GY 9313 (Please refer to the bulletin)
- EE-UY 136 (Please refer to the bulletin)
PhD Students
Walter Grote
Collision Resolution Algorithms for Random Access Communications
Zhengxue Zhao
Scheduling Policies for Real-Time Communications
Cem Ersoy
Topological Design of Local and Metropolitan Area Networks
Yao Chung Hung
Buffer Management Policies
Kangsik Cheon
Intelligent Cell Discarding Policies for TCP Traffic over ATM-UBR
Yiwei Thomas Hou
Network Bandwidth Sharing Policies and their Distributed Protocol Implementation for Packet-Switched Networks
Nitin Gogate
Multiple Path Transport of Information in Wireless and Wired Networks
Jeong-Dong Ryoo
Optimal Resource Design for Networks with Multimedia Servers
George Lapiotis
Stochastic Analysis of Joint Buffer Management and Service Scheduling in High Speed Network Nodes
Rajarshi Roy
Quality of Service Issues in ATM and IP Networks
Shiwen Mao
Realtime Multimedia Transport using Multiple Paths
Yihan Li
Design and Analysis of Scheduling for High Speed Input Queued Switches
Dennis Bushmitch
Queuing Performance of Realtime Traffic under Thinning, Stripping and Shuffling
Sathya Narayanan
Two-Hop Forwarding in Wireless Networks
Zhifeng (Jeffery) Tao
Quality of Service Analysis and Cooperative Protocol Design for Wireless Local Area Networks
Yanming Shen
Design of Packet Switches & Peer-to-Peer Streaming Systems
Pei Liu
Design and Performance Analysis of Cooperation Protocols for Wireless Networks
Chun Nie
Robust Cooperative Networking and Interference Management in Next Generation Wireless Networks
Shunyuan Ye
Distributed Scheduling Algorithm Design for High Speed Switching Systems
Sha Hua
Exploiting the Benifits of Cooperation in Wireless Networks
Ayaskant Rath
Realizing the Potential of the Network Edge
Shu Luo
Robust Cooperative Communications and Full Duplex Relaying in Wireless Networks
Zizhong Cao
Exploiting the Full Potential of Networks Benifits through Architectural Evolution and Traffic Scheduling
Exploiting the Potential of Full Duplexing in Wireless Networks
Seyedamirhossein (Amir) Hosseini
Rajeev Kumar
Shenghe Xu
Caglar Tunc
Recent Talks
- Millimeter Waves, Millisecond Delays Keynote Talk at mmNets 2018 (ACM Mobicom)
- Full Duplex for Small Cells Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Workshop, Montreal, October 14, 2015
- User-centric Networking and the Cellular Wireless Bandwidth Crunch
U-NET 2012: Third IEEE Workshop on User-Centric Networking
Ottawa, Canada
11 June 2012
PPT PDF - Fast Handovers for Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Qualcomm, Inc.
San Diego, CA
7 September 2011
- Heterogeneous Cellular Networks:
A solution to cellular data crisis?
21st Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications
Blacksburg, VA
2 June 2011
- Distributed Scheduling Algorithms for Switching Systems
Indian Institute of Science
Bengaluru, India
24 February 2011
- Increasing cellular capacity using cooperative networks
AT&T Labs Research
Florham Park, NJ
10 Nocember 2010
- Challenges and Impact of User-provided Networking Technology
U-NET'09: A CoNext 2009 workshop
Rome, Italy
1-4 December 2009
- Efficient Sub-Stream Encoding and Transmission for P2P Video on Demand
Packet Video 2007: 16th International Packet Video Workshop
Lausanne, Switzerland
12-13 November 2007
- Whither Network Science? A Cross-Cultural Approach
Towards a Science of Networks Workshop: Communication Networks and Complexity at The Informatics and Telematics Institute (ITI)
Athens, Greece
31 August - 1 September 2006
- Some Unsolved Problems in High Speed Packet Switching
Keynote Speech
2005 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'05)
Philadelphia, PA
24-28 July 2005