Prof. Chung received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from NYU-Poly.
He has worked with Bell Labs for three years for developing High Speed Network Management Systems. He has been teaching a variety of graduate and undergraduate courses for seventeen years; course subjects include Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Data Security. His research interests are Intelligent Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Networks, and Data Security.
He has contributed about forty research papers to the International Journals and Conferences. He also supervised fourteen Master’s Theses. Prof. Chung is a Senior Member of IEEE Society, he is serving Chair of Education Committee of IEEE New York Section. and he is the Founding Chair of the New York Chapter of IEEE Systems, Man, & Cybernetics (SMC) Society, http://ny-ieee-smc.weebly.com/
His contact email is ptc259@nyu.edu or ptchung@ieee.org
Bell Labs
Member of Technical Staff
Developing High Speed Network Management Systems.
From: July 1997 to June 2000
Journal Articles
RECENT RESEARCH – Prof. Ping-Tsai Chung
Research Interests: Intelligent Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Networks, and Data Security.
[1] Ping-Tsai Chung (2016) Discovery of Rules for Web Intelligence - A Case Study Based on Rough Sets and Bayes’ Theorem”, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and Its Applications (JDCTA), Advanced Institute of Convergence IT (AICIT), Volume10, Number1, pp. 45 – 56.
[2] Ping-Tsai Chung (2015) Edge-Balance Index Games, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 134, 6691 - 6696.
[3] Shih-Hao Chang, Ping-Tsai Chung, The-Sheng Huang (2013) A Fault Tolerance Fuzzy Knowledge Based Control Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network”, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Advanced Institute of Convergence IT (AICIT), Vol. 8, No. 2.
[4] Ping-Tsai Chung, Bing-Xing Chen (2011) A Knowledge-Based Decision System for Healthcare Diagnosis and Advisory, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pp. 2357-2362.
[5] Ping-Tsai Chung and Hsin-Hua Hsiao (2008) Probabilistic Relational Database Applications for Biomedical Informatics”, the Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on BioCom in conjunction with IEEE AINA - IEEE 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, pp. 720 ~ 725.
Other Significant Publications:
[6] Adel Ali Alkhaibari, Ping-Tsai Chung (2017) Cluster Analysis for Reducing City Crime Rates, The Proceedings of IEEE Long Island System Applications, and Technology (LISAT).
[7] Chrysanthos Mavropoulos, Ping-Tsai Chung (2014) A Rule-based Expert System: Speakeasy – Smart Drink Dispenser, The Proceedings of IEEE Long Island System Applications, and Technology.
[8] Ping-Tsai Chung, Fahmeed Afzal, Soe San and Hsin-Hua Hsiao (2007) A Semiautomatic Software System Framework for Logic Design for Probabilistic Relational Databases, Proceedings of International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering, (IKE), World Academy of Science, pp. 392 ~ 402.
[9] Ping-Tsai Chung and Richard Van Slyke (2006) Free Steering Update Schemes for Distributed Flow Control, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 181, pp. 111 – 128, Utilitas Mathematica Publishing, Inc.
[10] Ping-Tsai Chung (2005) Heuristic Algorithms for Computing Optimum Core-Based Multicast Tree, Congressus Numerantium, Vol. 173, pp. 43-64.
Recent Prensentation:
[11]. Presented a Lecture on “The Smart Home – Technologies, Trends and Challenges” at the 12th Annual TCF IT Professional Conference 2017, IEEE/ACM Information Technology Professional Conference on Friday, March 17, 2017, at the College of New Jersey.
Authored/Edited Books
Guest Editor, Special Issue on: "Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Informatics", International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design (IJCBDD), 2011.
Research Interests
Dr. Chung's research interests are Intelligent Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Networks, and Data Security.
General/Collaborative Research
Intelligent Computing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Networks, and Data Security
Full Professor (2016 ~), Associate Professor (Tenured) (2007 ~ 2016), Assistant Professor of Computer Science (2000 ~ 2007), Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, New York.
6/2004 ~ 8/2013, Department Chair, Department of Computer Science, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus, New York.
Honors and Awards – Prof. Ping-Tsai Chung
[1]. Member of Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Honor Society of Computer Science) since 1992.
[2]. Member of Tau Beta Pi (Honor Society of Engineering) since 1993.
[3]. listed in the Who's Who among America’s Teachers, 2005, 2004 (the eighth edition).
[4]. listed in the Marquis' Who's Who in America Education, since 2006, listed in the Marquis' Who's Who in America, since 2004 (the 58th Edition), and listed in the Marquis' Who's Who in the World, since 2005 (the 22nd Edition).
[5]. National Taipei University of Technology Outstanding Alumni Award, NTUT 95th Anniversary Ceremony, Taipei, October 28, 2006.
[6]. Long Island University Intramural Research Grant Competition Award 2006 – “LogicD.PDB - A Logic Design Tool Development for Probabilistic Relational Databases”. The Principal Investigator – Ping-Tsai Chung, Graduate Assistants: Fahmeed Afzal, Soe San.
[7]. Achievement Award, the International MultiConference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 21 – 24, 2004 and June 27 – 30, 2005 - in recognition and appreciation of research contributions to the field and to the International Multiconference in Computer Science and Computer Engineering. World Academy of Sciences.
[8]. Chairman of Board of Directors 2013, 2014, Member of Board Director Committee, 美東華人學術聯誼會 Chinese American Academic & Professional Society (CAAPS), 2009 ~ 2014.
[9]. Board of Director, Chinese Institute of Engineers-Greater New York Chapter (CIE-GNYC), 2013 ~ 2016.
[10]. Member of the Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of America 斐陶斐榮譽學會 (PTP-EA) since November, 2010.
[11]. Distinguished Service Award, 傑出服務獎, Chinese American Academic & Professional Society (CAAPS) , the 36th Annual Convention, 2011.