Dr. Nan Cao is a research assistant professor of computer science at NYU Tandon School of Engineering and an assistant professor of computer science at NYU Shanghai. Prior to joining NYU, he has worked for IBM for 10 years. He was a research staff member at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center during 2012 – 2016 and was a research engineer and staff researcher at IBM China Research Lab during 2005 – 2010. He received his PhD from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in Aug 2012.
Dr. Cao ’s research interests are information visualization and visual analytics. He is specialized in producing novel visualization and interaction techniques to represent and analysis complex (big, dynamic, multidimensional, and multivariate) data in various application domains such as social media and healthcare. His work has majorly appeared in IEEE TVCG, IEEE INFOVIS/VAST, and ACM CHI (Visiting http://nancao.org to know more about his research).
Dr. Cao received IBM Outstanding Technical Achievement Award in 2015, the IEEE VAST Honorable Mention Award in 2014, HKUST PhD Research Excellence Award in 2012, and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award in 2005.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Doctor of Philosophy, Computer Science and Engineering
IBM China Research Lab
Staff Researcher
From: July 2005 to January 2010
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Research Staff Member
From: September 2012 to January 2016
Journal Articles
1. Nan Cao, Conglei Shi, Sabrina Lin, Jie Lu, Yu-Ru Lin, Ching-Yung Lin,
TargetVue: Visual Analysis of Anomalous User Behaviors in Online Communication Systems
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of VAST’ 2015)
2. Nan Cao, Yu-Ru Lin, David Gotz,
UnTangle Map: Visual Analysis of Probabilistic Multi-Label Data
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics
3. Nan Cao, Yu-Ru Lin, Xiaohua Sun, David Lazer, Shixia Liu, Huamin Qu.
Whisper: Tracing the Spatiotemporal Process of Information Diffusion in Real Time.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of InfoVis’ 2012)
4. Nan Cao, David Gotz, Jimeng Sun, and Huamin Qu.
DICON: Interactive Visual Analysis of Multidimensional Clusters,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of InfoVis’ 2011)
5. Nan Cao, Jimeng Sun, Yu-Ru Lin, David Gotz, Shixia Liu, Huamin Qu.
FacetAtlas: Multifaceted Visualization for Rich Text Corpora.
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
(Proceedings of InfoVis’ 2010)