Joshua Wexler
Adjunct Professor

Josh Wexler co-founded and leads, which partners with their clients to help them translate their innovative ideas into software products. Occom provides tools and services that let anyone visualize, validate, and develop new software, from start to finish. Occom gives non-technical participants typically left out of the development process a meaningful voice in what the product is going to do.
Josh is an expert on early stage software innovation and prototyping process. He teaches prototyping and product management at Harvard, New York University and The Gateway School for children with learning disabilities.
Prior to Occom, Josh worked for iRise and co-founded iRise Labs, a division of iRise focused on facilitating early stage software application innovation. Josh worked for Deloitte Consulting as an expert on social media and collaboration. He has advised many clients on collaboration issues from a global consulting firm to financial service firms to government agencies. Josh left Deloitte to create his first start-up called Connectable, an web application that helped people to build authentic relationships and improve conversations with their networks in order to help them find and get a job that worked.
Josh earned his B.A. in Psychology and Brain Sciences from Dartmouth College.