Jeffrey A. Hubbell
Vice President, Bioengineering Strategy, New York University
Lead, Initiative to Advance Engineering and Health
Professor, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Professor, Biology
Professor, Grossman School of Medicine

Jeffrey Hubbell is a pioneer in the field of immuno-modulatory materials whose research spans biology, chemistry, and engineering to generate novel solutions to common health problems. His work focuses on using biomaterials and engineered proteins to enhance the body’s own immune system to fight inflammatory and autoimmune disorders, allergies, and disease states like cancers. With more than 400 papers and 100 issued US patents, Hubbell uses biomaterials and protein engineering approaches to investigate topics in regenerative medicine and immunotherapeutics. In regenerative medicine, he develops both materials and protein therapeutics to address issues such as chronic wound healing in diabetes and bone repair after trauma. In immunotherapeutics, he pursues nanomaterials in vaccination for infectious disease and cancer as well as targeted therapy with RNA, protein-material conjugates for inverse vaccines to induce antigen-specific tolerance in autoimmunity and allergy, and in protein therapy to tip immune balances toward aggression in immuno-oncology and toward tolerance in inflammatory disease. His interests are both basic and translational, having founded or co-founded six biomedical companies based on his technology.
Before moving to New York University, Hubbell was at the University of Chicago in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, where he helped build its strength in immunoengineering. Prior to that, he was on the faculty of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL, where he served as founding Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and Dean of the School of Life Sciences), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) and University of Zurich, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Texas in Austin. He was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering in 2010, the National Academy of Medicine in 2019, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2021, and the National Academy of Sciences in 2023.
Rice University
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, 1986
Kansas State University
B.S., Chemical Engineering, 1982
Select Publications
- A.C. Tremain, R.P. Wallace, K.M. Lorentz, T.B. Thornley, J.T. Antane, M.R. Raczy, J.W. Reda, A.T. Alpar, A.J. Slezak, E.A. Watkins, C.D. Maulloo, E. Budina, A. Solanki, M. Nguyen, D.J. Bischoff, J.L. Harrington, R. Mishra, G.P. Conley, R. Marlin, N. Dereuddre-Bosquet, A.S. Gallouet, R. LeGrand, D.S. Wilson, S. Kontos & J.A. Hubbell Synthetically glycosylated antigens for the antigen-specific suppression of established immune responses. Nat Biomed Eng 7, 1142-1155 (2023) (
- A. Ishihara, J. Ishihara, E.A. Watkins, A.C. Tremain, M. Nguyen, A. Solanki, K. Katsumata, A. Mansurov, E. Budina, A.T. Alpar, P. Hosseinchi, L. Maillat, J.W. Reda, T. Kageyama, M.A. Swartz, E. Yuba & J.A. Hubbell Prolonged residence of an albumin-IL-4 fusion protein in secondary lymphoid organs ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Nat Biomed Eng 5, 387-398 (2021) (
- S. Cao, E. Budina, M.M. Raczy, A. Solanki, M. Nguyen, T.N. Beckman, J.W. Reda, K. Hultgren, P.S. Ang, A.J. Slezak, L.A. Hesser, A.T. Alpar, K.C. Refvik, L.S. Shores, I. Pillai, R.P. Wallace, A. Dhar, E.A. Watkins & J.A. Hubbell A serine-conjugated butyrate prodrug with high oral bioavailability suppresses autoimmune arthritis and neuroinflammation in mice. Nat Biomed Eng 8, 611-627 (2024) (
- R. Wang, S. Cao, M.E.H. Bashir, L.A. Hesser, Y. Su, S.M.C. Hong, A. Thompson, E. Culleen, M. Sabados, N.P. Dylla, E. Campbell, R. Bao, E.B. Nonnecke, C.L. Bevins, D.S. Wilson, J.A. Hubbell & C.R. Nagler Treatment of peanut allergy and colitis in mice via the intestinal release of butyrate from polymeric micelles. Nat Biomed Eng 7, 38-55 (2023) (
- A. Mansurov, P. Hosseinchi, K. Chang, A.L. Lauterbach, L.T. Gray, A.T. Alpar, E. Budina, A.J. Slezak, S. Kang, S. Cao, A. Solanki, S. Gomes, J.M. Williford, M.A. Swartz, J.L. Mendoza, J. Ishihara & J.A. Hubbell Masking the immunotoxicity of interleukin-12 by fusing it with a domain of its receptor via a tumour-protease-cleavable linker. Nat Biomed Eng (2022) (
- A. Mansurov, J. Ishihara, P. Hosseinchi, L. Potin, T.M. Marchell, A. Ishihara, J.M. Williford, A.T. Alpar, M.M. Raczy, L.T. Gray, M.A. Swartz & J.A. Hubbell Collagen-binding IL-12 enhances tumour inflammation and drives the complete remission of established immunologically cold mouse tumours. Nat Biomed Eng 4, 531-543 (2020) (
- D.S. Wilson, S. Hirosue, M.M. Raczy, L. Bonilla-Ramirez, L. Jeanbart, R. Wang, M. Kwissa, J.F. Franetich, M.A.S. Broggi, G. Diaceri, X. Quaglia-Thermes, D. Mazier, M.A. Swartz & J.A. Hubbell Antigens reversibly conjugated to a polymeric glyco-adjuvant induce protective humoral and cellular immunity. Nature materials 18, 175-185 (2019) (
- A.J. Slezak, K. Chang, T.N. Beckman, K.C. Refvik, A.T. Alpar, A.L. Lauterbach, A. Solanki, J.W. Kwon, S. Gomes, A. Mansurov & J.A. Hubbell Cysteine-binding adjuvant enhances survival and promotes immune function in a murine model of acute myeloid leukemia. Blood Adv 8, 1747-1759 (2024) (
- M. Mochizuki, E. Guc, A.J. Park, Z. Julier, P.S. Briquez, G.A. Kuhn, R. Muller, M.A. Swartz, J.A. Hubbell & M.M. Martino Growth factors with enhanced syndecan binding generate tonic signalling and promote tissue healing. Nat Biomed Eng 4, 463-475 (2020) (
- M.M. Martino, P.S. Briquez, E. Guc, F. Tortelli, W.W. Kilarski, S. Metzger, J.J. Rice, G.A. Kuhn, R. Muller, M.A. Swartz & J.A. Hubbell Growth factors engineered for super-affinity to the extracellular matrix enhance tissue healing. Science 343, 885-888 (2014) (